Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
We have discussed the pros and cons of shaving our dogs and pretty much agreed to disagree. I just got this article from the ASPCA and want to share. And the debate continues.
Actually, Lisa, several members do shave their doodles by choice. Those individuals just feel that it is easier to manage their dog's coats.
Really? Wow that surprises me....right to the skin? Oh well, to each his own. Maybe they will see this post and recognize why a little coat will help.
Not 'naked' by choice, but we do have members who cut very very short including ears and tail.
I am one of the "shave" variety of doodle owners. But I do leave some hair, probably 1/2 " or so. Roo's coat is much easier to do anything with a looks good even clipped close. Tigger has really thick, curly hair and is just plain difficult. Roo's coat tends to mat mostly away from his skin while Tiggers just plain mats.
I had Siberian Huskies for 40 years before my doodles and I never clipped their fur. Of course when they shed the shed enough to make a wholed second dog. They never seemed any more uncomfortable in the heat than I did. But I keep my dogs inside in the airconditioning except when I walk them just before dusk or they go out to potty.
I clip my doodles for two reasons: it is hot enough in my area for them to swim from May through October and it is their favorite thing to do. I am always outside with them when they swim just as if they were my children, after all you should never swim alone. You would laugh at me because I always have my waist floaty on - just in case I cramp - and often have fins on in the pool! If I did not clip them in hot weather I am sure they would be at much greater risk of skin problems from staying wet so long than from overheating or sunburning. Reason #2 is combing, brushing them is chore none of us like at all. It must be torture for Tigger, and Roo just is a baby about it; although even though I am careful I doubt that it is truly comfortable. I would say that I have learned to clip them and cut their hair on their heads, ears and tails but it more like I am trying to learn. They look okay here is a picture of Tigger just clipped. I can't find one of Roo.
Well I am hoping that this is not what they are referring to when they say "shave". I keep Daisy at about 1/2" to 1", her coat is also very thick so I am sure the sun exposure is not really possible, can't even get to her skin when I try. We also brush her every other day.
I also think the ASPCA article may be referring to the shedding breeds that typically don't get cut down or shaved at all, like German Shepherds, Goldens, Collies, etc. In my neighborhood, people do shave these breeds down, all the way to the skin, and it breaks my heart to see it.
I do not shave the girls but keep Yindi's coat rather short at 2" because it's very Poodle-y and suits her and her coat type. Yarra, of course has always had a very long coat, full at usually 6". Recently I scissor cut it to about 3", just because. Both girls have ideal loose coats, one wavy (Yarra) and one curly (Yindi) and since they are house dogs, they're very comfortable. I also believe their coats do protect them from the elements. Yindi being so light, her skin is pale pink, would burn for sure and I don't think sun is good for their skin. They do not mat and are brushed regularly. Most of my friends don't want the work of caring for a long coat due to their lifestyles so it's a choice I made long time ago, to invest my time in Yarra's coat and then Yindi. Now if I could only keep up on their nails, that would be great. lol.
Great article.Everyone want to shave Doodles. Shea had some matts on his back last summer and the vets office shaved him. I was afraid to let him out side very long because of sunburn. That was just a case of "I don't don't want to mess with this dog's grooming. Shave instead". I threw a fit at the Vets and have given them BAD press ever since. I took pictures to the new groomer and have always been happy with her cuts. I leave them all about three to four inches long. I love the miss fit look.
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