Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have purchased a Go-Dog-Go Fetch Machine for Haley. The supplied balls do not launch far enough for Haley and in checking this out Go-Dog-Go advises me that the small ChuckIt ball and a standard racquetball will launch further.
My question is: Is a 2" or 2 1/4" ball too small for a large (standard) doodle? I am concerned that he might swallow the smaller ball. He has been playing fetch with the large Chuckit ball (does not work in the Fetch Machine).

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JD wouldn't deliberately swallow or chew a ball, but he is a very enthusiastic retriever and he does catch balls on the fly. I would be afraid that if the ball had some force behind it, and he ran forward eagerly to catch it in his big open mouth, it might end up too far into his throat.

Thank you Karen.  This is exactly my fear.  One time Haley did get the large ChuckIt wedged between the upper and lower teeth on one side.  That was bad enough but to have one lodged in his throat could be disasterous.

We have a toy poodle that has the small Chuck-It balls.  We don't let Cooper (50# Goldendoodle) play with the small ones (he uses the medium size Chuck-It balls) because I am afraid he's going to choke on the them.  He loves to repeatedly compress any ball when it's in his mouth so I'm afraid he's going to compress one of the little ones and its going to slip back into his airway and get stuck.

Mabye a medium size would work in the machine. 

Jack does that same thing, with "compressing" the ball when it's in his mouth. You came up with the perfect way to describe it, I couldn't think how to say it!

Go-Dog-Go tells me that the medium ChuckIt will work.  It just wo'nt go as far as the supplied balls.

I sure wouldn't want to use the small and take the chance. My question is why wouldn't they make the ball that come with it better if they know this??

I wish I knew. $$$$$ perhaps?

I agrees that a small ball could be a choking hazard.

Thanks to all of you for your input.  I am sending the machine back to the supplier as it doesn't do the job I need with they size ball safe for Haley,

I agree with Karen.  Gracie Doodle does catch balls on the fly and some have been thrown with a lot of force and I too worry about it getting lodged in the back of her throat.  I only use tennis ball sized balls...nothing smaller.  Gracie is a big girl too!

I totally agree with not using the small balls.  Camus is a big guy and catches fly balls.  He has played with another dog who has the small chuck-it balls and I am always nervous when he picks it up.  His mouth is just too big.

Luna uses the medium chuck-it balls, but she's a mini.  She also catches things mid-air all the time and with anything smaller I'd be worried she would choke.


However, her newest toy (a 75" exercise ball, hilarious to watch) she won't be choking on anytime soon!

I should make a video of her playing with it sometime... the hollow ball amplifies her frustration at not being able to pick it up :p




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