Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Thank u all for all the advice and guidance. It has been extremely helpful. We found a new wonderful breeder with your help. On another note, our old breeder has sent back an email response to our request for our money back. Here are some of her statements...

"I was rather surprised at the tenor of your email....especially just a short 3 weeks away from Marty's homecoming. He is an extraordinary little boy who already is attentive to his name.
I do not know what concerns you are referring to. Writing is our preferred method of communication. I explained in a previous mail that this period is primarily a wait be excited about your new arrival.

I think that to state that there was misrepresentation in being a quality breeder is simply not the we set the standard. Marty has the temperament to become a wonderful therapy companion as many of our babes are working companions.
In almost twenty years I have had but one unfounded negative an entitled cyber bully who thinks we can magically produce her creation and has refused delivery on three different puppies that weren't quite the right color.

I would ask that you take a breath and not be angry."

I have to say we are so happy to have found all of you before it was too late

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Did she return the money?

She probably expects them to "take a breath" first--it does not sound like getting the money back is going to be easy...

This whole thing is so weird--a wait time to be excited about your new arrival? Huh? Not responding to your emails, etc is just plain rude! If you had a problem with the puppy, I wonder how much "wait time" there would be then?? 

When I am raising pups for a breeder (I am NOT a breeder), the people who are getting a pup get photos every week and the breeder sends them reading material to peruse when they prepare for their new arrival--that gets them pretty excited and seems to work better than silence! :) 

I am happy for you that you found another breeder. I hope you get your money back soon, as well.

Both my breeders I'm sure took deep breaths as they juggled their cell phone in one hand and tended to puppies with the other as they answered my questions and concerns on several occasions before Riley and Boris came home. If they couldn't take the calls they called back or emailed lengthy responses to my questions. There are two deep breaths to take here, one of relief that you didn't take a puppy from this breeder and the second in hope that you are reimbursed promptly.

Wow! Her responses are "out there," I had a feeling she was going to show up and want to ship the pup when the time came. Glad you cut ties with her. Now, to get the money back. It would be the right thing if she just returned your money.

Keep us updated on your adventure. What are you naming your new puppy? When will you receive him?

This e-mail just seems rude to me.  She was not apologetic at all - just defensive.  I am sorry that you had to deal with this because this should be (as she said) an EXCITING time.  When I was waiting to get Bexter, I thought I was probably driving the breeder nuts with all my questions and I even visited THREE times.  Once to meet the parent dogs to decide which one to go with and twice to meet the puppies.  NEVER did they act like I was a nuisance or avoid my questions or communications.  I'm hoping you got your money back.  Now, you can just look ahead to the doodle that was meant to be your baby and ENJOY!

If you mention that you no longer want the pup, that you are going to file a credit card dispute if she does not return your money and also make this public she may decide to return your money.

Great idea F.  If she is smart, she will not want to risk all of the NEGATIVE attention.  


Whoo-hoo!!  I am so happy that you have found a breeder.  And, hopefully, you will get a full refund.  I can't to wait to hear all about your journey.  We are rooting for you and your family.  Keep us posted.

I am so sorry this happened! I know I was also very worried about this happening to us since I have never had to buy a pup out of state before. There are a couple of breeders in our state, but they only breed standards. Anyhow, I wish you the best, hope this was just a miscommunication & this breeder is honest enough to just refund you. Glad you found a more suitable situation.:-)



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