Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Tonight I tried to comb out my fluffy little 17 week old goldendoodles hair. He did not like this at all. He was rolling around and tried to bite me. I dodged his teeth, held him down and tried to continue. I only covered 1/8 of his body and gave up because I was exhausted and he was too upset. Up until now I was just using a brush but I am told this will not get into their hair deep enough to prevent matting. So I tried it with a dog comb. He is going to the groomers on Tuesday morning and I am worried. I don't want them to have to shave him down. He is just a puppy. Any advice on how to keep him calm while he gets brushed?

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A lot of praise and treats. I have made it a time of bonding, and my two love to be combed.
When Penny was a puppy, I found that holding a treat in my right hand (something to chew on) worked while I brushed her with my right hand. It calmed her, and now she loves being brushed without the treat. She just needed something to chew on!
Oh yeah-I had treats for him and he was still a rascal. He is getting MUCH better now and he had his first grooming on Tuesday and they said he was an angel.
We have found that if Max is chewing on his rope and we hold on to that with one hand and the brush we use fits on our hand.....he actually brings the brush to us now so I know that he likes it. I think when they are little they don't know how to deal with how good it feels to be brushed and they tend to overamp....I have also found its best to do when he is laying calmly to begin with. Try brushing for a minute or two and than extend it each time...
I am right there along with you. Cayenne used to not mind being brushed then one day, that all changed and now it's quite the job. So much so in fact, that the matts have gotten out of hand and she too will be at the groomers on Tuesday. We'll be thinking about you. I've posted another forum question about all this. You might want to follow mine too and see if anything helps.



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