Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


The daycare place Chaucer goes to often takes pictures..they sent me two and I love them!  He's been going to daycare about 4 times a week and absolutely loves it.  He comes home tired!


Do your dogs go to daycare?  If so, where do they go?  Do you think it's a good idea?  I've heard good/bad about it..but it seems to work well for him!  They say he plays well with everyone in the playrooms and they have webcams so I can check up on him.





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He looks like he has fun and so cool that you can see him on webcam! Ours do not go but I really wish DH would let them go at least once a week! They go to a doggy daycare on Saturdays that have playtime for 3 hours they do fine there so I don't see why they can't go. They sleep all night after we take them there.
Lola goes once or twice a week and loves it.  I know this because she runs to door without looking back.  I had taken her to another one when she was a puppy and she used to hold onto my leg like a little kid not wanting to go to school.  I don't think it was a bad place but I think she was bored.  They split the dogs into big and small dog sections.  Lola was getting too big for the small dog (though she is a mini) but was too small for the big dogs so I don't think she really play that much.  The one she goes to now is privately owned and they really take an interest in all the dogs.  No web cam though - probably a good idea or I would waste so much time watching it!
These are great pictures!  My guys go once in a while if I have plans that are going to keep me out for most of the day.  They do seem to have a great time there.  There is a webcam but you can only watch it from the lobby.
I'm about to start sending Indy to daycare twice a week once I start school. He'll be going to a Dogtopia as well!
We love doggy daycare! We use Camp Bow Wow and Darwin loves it there. They have webcams and we like watching him play on them. Those photos are SO cute!

I am a real big fan of doggie day care. Jack went four days a week as a puppy, I too could tell he loved it because he screamed to get out of the car when we pulled down the long drive way to get there. He learned to play well with other dogs, came home tired, He is an only dog so his other option would be to sit home all day and get a walk by a dog walker for a little while.


For a puppy, they have so much energy, I do not have, and I wanted him to be able to play and explore the world, I wanted him to learn things from other dogs, (admittingly he learned to dig and a few other bad habits as well) but he always had something to do, never had the chance to get bored.


It was cheaper then a dog walker and thank God when I got him he was exhausted, we both came home and fell into bed. At the time I was still working and I had no energy to do anything but work and sleep, so it was a life saver.


Now that I am home almost always we have cut way back... He now that he is older actually would rather not go to daycare any more. He goes with me to as many places as possible and then stays home. I will bring him when I have a very long doctors appointments or going to be gone all day.


I try to avoid really hot days and go when it is cool, Sometimes I bring him for half days in the morning for playtime and get him before it gets to hot.


I think since dogs are social beings it is good to have them around other people or dogs as much as possible. I believe as a result of daycare and Jack always having a focus is the reason he has never gotten into anything he should not have at home.

Rooney (and soon Stuart too) attends The Dog Resort.  I bought a package of 1/2 day (6 hours of less) - doggie day care.  If I want a day to myself for shopping or going to a movie or whatever, I drop Rooney off - no need to call ahead and then pick him up when I want.  They also have grooming (which I don't use) and they have a dog boutique which is where I buy the boys Orijen and Primal.  Stuart will go for his testing in 2 weeks to see if they feel he is a good boy and once approved can start attending.  I was there once when a man with two small breed dogs was told that his dogs couldn't attend as one had bared its teeth and the other one growled at another dog.  I would DIE if Stuart didn't get in as I love having an option for that once in a while when I need some me time!!!!! 

Great shots Lari.Chaucer is a beautiful boy!

Daisy goes to Daycare once a week at a private place called Paws and Claws, lately she has not been as tired as she hasn't really been playing much. About a month ago she was bitten in the back by another camper - that dog no longer is allowed to come but Daisy has changed her mind about playing with the big dogs. She has a couple of friends that come but when they are not there she stays with the small dogs and just watches mostly. I am very disappointed as she used to love it there.

So now I would say Daisy goes if her buds are there otherwise she just goes to work with me.

Devin and Indy:  I hope your dog likes Dogtopia!  They seem great at the one we go to.  They have grooming there as well and we use her..they also sell Blue Buffalo Wilderness dog food and that's what Chaucer eats so it's a one-stop-shop for me!  I really like the web cams..I did check into camp bow wow..but the lady at the front desk seemed kind of rude.  I'm sure it all depends on the people that work there..but we felt more welcome at Dogtopia.


I just picked Chaucer up from daycare tonight and he's already passed out in his crate!  I will definitely keep going after hearing all the positive responses about daycare.


It's good to know other doodles and their humans like it too.

Harley went just this past monday for his eval for doggie daycare.  He passed with flying colors.  We will be using Lonestar dog ranch in Anna Texas.  I"m so excited for him.

We LOVE Dogtopia!!! Peri used to go 1-2x/week, but we just bought a house, are saving $ and DH works from home, so we don't take her as often now...but we LOVE Dogtopia!!!



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