Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Both my doodles love to eat grass. They snack on it off and on, all day, everyday, all year long. We have two types of grass, summer and winter types and they don't have a preference. Just keep chomping away.
They do not vomit hardly at all. Bella does about once every few months, but there's usually a sock, paper, plastic, poop or some other non digestible item in there, but rarely any grass. They both poop out the grass regularly without any problems. I'm wondering if it's a diet /nutrient need of some sort???
Does anyone else have doodles who just like to eat grass, totally unrelated to self inducing vomiting?

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Exactly and I don't treat my yard at all.

My dogs eat grass when they want to vomit.  They eat the tall grass and it does seem to work.  Otherwise they do not eat grass.  So I guess there are different reasons to be eating grass.

Nope, Monty does not eat grass.

Oh thank Dog! JD isn't the only one!

Peri only eats the longer grass - we have a garden that it grows into some of my shrubs.  I actually like the fact that she eats it - she's like my little weed eater.

Sadie likes to snack on grass in the yard--a few times she's vomited after, but usually she just likes to have a nibble, especially when it gets long.

We meet with Monty's girlfriend at a school yard over the summer. In between chasing her, chasing a ball, and guarding the ball, Monty chomps down the grass. It drives me crazy, since from his poop the next day you would think I own a horse. What's worst, though, the yard is being watered WAY too much so when we get there in the mornings, it's like a swamp with standing water on the grass. Monty's had the Giardia twice this year already, and I finally realized it must be from eating the grass soaked with dirty irrigation water.

Very likely.any standing water is a breeding ground especially where any animals can go potty.

Darwin eats grass like a madman. He doesn't have any stomach upset problems but will go out and chomp away. He won't stop unless I stop him. Not sure why. If he's let out to run free he will usually run for a moment then go find some grass to snack on. No problems with his poop.

Lucky you.

Yes, I'm glad. 

Quincy seems to think that the backyard is an all you can eat buffet. He eats right down to the soil and I don't know if he would stop if I didn't stop him. He does not throw up because of eating grass, sticks are another issue. I awoke to three piles of nicely chewed regurgitated sticks yesterday.



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