Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hi All! New to this site. We're bringing home our first dog which is an F1 goldendoodle in January and we're so excited. They're currently 3.5 weeks old and we're up next to choose our pup!
Our breeder said we can expect the dogs to be anywhere between 30 and 45 pounds. The mom is 45 and the dad is 23. We definitely want one on the larger end of that (preferably close to 45 pounds). We're also choosing a boy so we think that probably will ensure he is on the larger end of the spectrum. We asked which two were the biggest boys and so those are the ones we're choosing between.
My question is from other people's experiences with similarly sized parents, is the 45 pound guess accurate? Our friends told us they had a 42 pound mom and a 16 pound dad and their dog is 60 pounds. Is there any way to really tell? I don't mind if he is a little bigger but just curious about others experiences.
My second question has to do with coat. Our breeder said her favorite one is the darker of the two (2 pics below). I love his color but my worry is that his coat is going to be the really curly type of coat that I don't really want-- I like the wavy/shaggy look. The second picture (lighter dog) seems to have more of a flat or wavy coat, but again its so hard to tell at 3.5 weeks what this will actually look like when they're older. Anybody have comparison pics of their pups at 3/4 weeks and then now that seemed to have similar coat texture?
Any other advice in terms of choosing which one? Our breeder wants us to choose soon so we won't be able to wait until 6/7 weeks when they have more of a personality. What other questions should we be asking assuming we have to choose in the next week or so?
Thanks so much!!
As much as I appreciate your wanting to have the size and coat you desire, I'd like you to consider their personalities and activity levels before anything else. Regardless of how they look, you will love the one you get, but thinking about if your life requires a more calm, cuddly, timid dog or an active, outgoing, in your face dog is a big part of your life with this new guy.
As for size, what have these too breeding dogs produced before? Or is this a first litter with these parents. The breeder really can make the best guesstimate, but it's still a guess on size.
As Adina said, most breeders wait a bit before choosing, and usually the Personality tests are done by then and the breeder can help you decide as she will know their quirks the best by then as well as see a little more of the coat type. Good luck and as Cheryl said you will love your doodle whichever you choose.
Moe is so cute and I see a lot of doodle in his cute face and the famous doodle head tilt is adorable.
Thanks everyone who replied!!! It was really really helpful. We took what you guys said to heart and tried to judge more on personality. Our breeder said the slightly lighter one was a little more social than the other one, and sent us a couple short video clips of the two demonstrating that. The lighter one wanted to play with all the other pups and the darker one seemed a little timid. Since we want a social dog, we went with him!! She posted his four week pictures too -- its crazy how much they change in a week. We still have to choose a name but we're super excited, reading all these responses has made us really pumped :) Here he is in all his holiday glory!
Love this guys big black nose! He looks like a sweet boy! Your lives will soon be changing! How fun! Be sure to post homecoming photos.
How absolutely precious! I love the white hair on the bottom of his cute little feet :o)
Adorable. I am glad you went for the one with the personality that fits best with your family. You won't be sorry! Now on to a name suggestion discussion!
He's so cute! I can't look too long cause I know I'll want another puppy :) Such an exciting time! Names were so hard for us - it's such a hard decision!
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