Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Cooper went to see his  General Vet today for a problem with his Anal Glands and he is starting to feel very relaxed there.  Thank goodness!   He was so relaxed that I was able to take this picture.  For those that are aware of his liver illness, they also drew his liver panel while we were there and we will know the results in a few days.    We worry so much and as long as they are with us, they don't seem to have a care in the world! 


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The one blessing that comes from a dog's having a chronic illness...they become so comfortable and relaxed at the vet's office! Cooper is such a good boy, and he has such a good mom!

Marhta, I hope that the tests come back with good results. You're so right, it's harder on us than it is on them. They're okay as long as you are with them!

Hope the tests come back with good news for sweet Cooper.

I am so glad for you that Cooper is relaxed at the vet. My two are so embarrassing :) Good luck with the test and please keep us posted. Cooper looks like he doesn't have a care in the world....very handsome, too!!

I'm hoping and praying for good results from the liver panel.  Cooper is such a brave...and handsome....guy.

Wish I could be that relaxed when I was waiting to see my OB GYN!

Hoping for good test results for your handsome boy!

Thank you all for the wonderful comments.  We should have his results this week for  his liver panel.  Poor Doodle.  I have to leave him at the Hotel and Spa this week, so we can go on a mini vacation.   He will be fine though, they love him there.   Just wish I had someone to come into the house and stay with him.   

Fingers and paws crossed for great results on the liver panel!  I hope you have a relaxing vacation and it sounds like Copper will be in great hands!

Hoping for good results for precious Cooper!

Cooper looks totally relaxed. Good luck Cooper!

That's great to see that Cooper is so relaxed at the vet clinic.  It's bad enough that you have to take him at all without any added stress.



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