Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Toby was exposed to a dog that has been diagnosed with kennel cough.  He has been "coughing" about twice a day.  Energy levels are fine, appetite is fine.  Mood is fine.  He is not coughing anything up.  Can I wait until Monday to take him to the vet?  He's due for shots, so I need to go in anyway.


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I read that the cough is very distinctive almost like a honking. If Toby isn't honking, see the vet Monday.

I think you are good to wait until Monday at this point but continue to monitor him and don't over stress him until then. Another thing I would consider is, if you believe he has any kind of infection, postponing the vaccinations until he is well. Vaccines can be quite challenging for a dog's immune system and it is best for them to be in good health when they receive them. I don't know if your vet will agree but sometimes you have to just rely on common sense...:)

Hope his cough is gone by Monday!

Up until now he has been coughing mostly after a drink, and he's had two drinks tonight with no cough.  That being said, I likely just jinxed him.  :)  

Kennel cough is very contagious but is kind of like a common cold in humans--it sounds terrible though. The vet might give you an antibiotic and it will clear up quickly. Some people let the dog get over it on their own, but personally, I'd hate to hear that coughing for more than a few days--too scary! Monday should be fine.

Our vaccinated dogs got it but only coughed a little bit. We gave them Robitussin DM. It helped lots. They didn't need antibiotics. You will know if he needs to go to the vet because he will be coughing a lot. Our vet wouldn't see the dogs until the last appointment of the day and through a back entrance. It is very contagious. Don't take him out of your yard.

I assume Toby was vaccinated which often means they only get a very mild case.  My guys have had it a couple of times (probably from Daycare), but their case was so mild they didn't even need antibiotics.  They got over it in a couple of days and it really didn't cause them much discomfort at all.  Monday should be fine for your Vet visit unless you see the coughing become much more frequent or there are other symptoms.

I'll be interested in what others say.  My Doods are around other dogs, mainly because they go to Daycare, so my Vet felt they absolutely needed the vaccination.

We do not vacinate either.  Gavin does not get boarded or go to dog parks and mostly plays with friends dogs.  He does meet other dogs on the street now and then, but I think the risk is not too great, so have forgone the shot.  I hope I don't eat me words ;)

We used to take the dogs to a dog park. We don't do that anymore and don't get them vaccinated for it anymore. I never had any of our other dogs vaccinated for it. The only dogs that ever had it were our doodles who had the vaccine, but we don't board them or put them in daycare. I'm sure our dogs got it from drinking the "public water" for the dogs at the dog park. 

JD gets the intranasal vaccine; much less invasive than a shot, and not given with any other vaccines.

Our groomer recently requested Proof of Vaccination for Kennel Cough. 

No coughing in the night, no coughing after breakfast and a big drink.  I'd say this is a mild case, at best.  :)



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