OK so Duncan is only 15 months old and for the last few months his breath has been HORRIBLE. I stopped giving him bully sticks about a month ago and we switched to the deer antlers. I thought that would help. NOPE! And lately when i look in his mouth there is a dark red line where the gums reach the teeth and a dark black line right at the gumline on some of the teeth. The front ones. He seems fine otherwise so I don't think his gums are infected but i'm wondering if he is getting some gingevitis so young. I brush his teeth 3x a week AND I give him dental chews AND he eats dry food AND he chews on lots of chew items (like the antlers). Could it be genetic? I feel like I've asked this before and he's due to the vet for some routine shots etc. next month so I'll DEFINITELY be asking the vet to peer into his mouth.
I'm obsessed. He's mopey today and I've conjured up this crazy notion that his teeth are causing him not to feel well. (It's probably that it's pouring out and we've been couped up in the house all day).
A few pics from his st. patty's day parade outing. It's hard to believe that such an adorable pooch could have such foul breath:)
Bad breath can also be a sympton of stomache/digestive issues. Keep an eye on bowel movements ect. Especially at such a young age it could be related to something he isn't digesting well.
I was using a water additive for Jazzy as her breath is awefull.I had to lessen and lessen the amount in the bowl as she wouldn't drink it with the recommended amount in it. No matter as soon as the waterhad even a hint of blue she wouldn't touch it. And she's mostly blind so it must have been the smell and taste. So I stopped using it. She has never been a chewer so I do her dental care for her. I brush and I also have a dental tool to go around the gum line and scrape the tartar off. My vet said that she should be a poster dog for good teeth especially at 17 on St Patty's day. That helps for a few days then bad breath again.