Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm curious. I've seen some doodles who have pink noses with black around the edges. I've also seen pure labrador & golden retrievers with noses that started out black & turned pink/rose. So, do doodle noses change color over time too? What do you guys think?

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Thia may be what they call a winter nose.
Wow. I just googled plastic & dog noses & supposedly plastic bowls have leach toxic chemicals that turn your dog's nose pink. I'm think that if they do that to the nose who knows what they do to the rest of the pooch! Gack.

I wonder if the "winter nose" phenomenon is like how fish-belly pale we humans get in the winter & then their noses "tan" back to black in the winter? LOL

Thanks you guys!
Jackdoodle has what they call a "snow nose"; it gets rose colored in the middle in the winter time. The rest of the year it's dark brown in the middle and black around the edges. And he has never had a plastic bowl since he's been with me; I don't know about his first year.
I just noticed Mariner and Boomer's noses have turned rose color, Shayna's is still dark. They all eat out of metal dishes.
How old are your doods? Do you remember when their noses started changing color? Thanks!
Boomer is 3 and Mariner is 1, they are biological brothers. I just noticed their noses today. It must have been within the lst week.
I guess they'll be tanning their noses in 6 months, LOL
Jeter's nose gets black when the weather is warm, and lightens up almost pinkish during the winter. I guess it's almost like getting a tan!

Rozee has "snow nose" - changes over to pink every winter and then back to solid black in the summer. Bella has solid black nose all the time. Both dogs have never had a plastic bowl - only stainless steel - so, at least for us, it's not a "dish" thing. I was concerned the first time Rozee's nose changed color - called the vet, called the breeder, called the trainer! Silly me! Now we actually brad about it!
Halas' nose is pink right now. It was black all summer, and I think it was black last winter. But he was only a few months old last winter, so maybe that had something to do with it not changing to pink. Or maybe it changed and I didn't notice. If only I had some pictures of Halas so I could go back and check (LOL - I have more pictures than any sane person should have of their dog). I'll be curious to see if it turns black again in the summer.
OK, so I managed to find some pictures, and his nose did change a little last winter. It didn't get as pink as it is now, but it definitely faded from black to a rose color, but just right in the center.
very interesting subject....both noses still solid black here. Just wondering if it happens with both labradoodles and goldendoodles? I've noticed many labradoodles have a more brownish tint to their maybe the pigments on some noses are lighter and more prone to change?



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