Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I think one of the cutest things doodles do is tilt their heads to the side when you ask them a question. But NEITHER of mine do!  I can see one not doing it, but BOTH???   So it's got to be me that's doing something wrong.  Am I not asking the right questions? Is my voice not high pitched enough? 

How do you get your doodles to tilt their heads?

Please help, signed "Tiltless in Arizona"


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I really think it depends on the dog. Guinness is a big time "head tilter". When I talk to him he'll look at me and always tilt his head....Murphy never does it. I've read it's because they're trying to figure out what you're telling them and they're "looking for more information".
Only one of three of my Doodles really does the "head tilt." Calli is very expressive that way, but the other two haven't ever really responded that way.
Monty is a tilter, but not always. He uses his eyes to talk most of the time........if only we knew what he was saying/thinking! If there is such a thing as reincarnation, Monty was a human before becoming a dog. He watches EVERYTHING we do, up close, as if he is trying to learn how to do the task at hand. :D
Darwin rarely does this. The only times he tilts his head is when we come up with some new crazy noise to make. DH and I do this as a competition. Who can get him to tilt his head first. It looks ridiculous, two adults making crazy animal sounds to a dog...
LOL, no way is anyone getting a video of this. :-)
"Tiltless in Arizona" Time for another eye check up - you don't want to know what I thought this said when I first read it :D

Gavin isn't a bit time head tilter either. Occasionally a strange noise will cause a tilt, but I haven't been able to figure out how to get him to do it myself.
That is the funniest thing I have read in a long time. I'm not sure I would have admitted it but I am glad you did!!
I thought the same thing . . . and I JUST had my eyes checked!
Again, that is soooo funny! I am still laughing about it.
Ha, I had answered you right away, but it must've gotten lost in transit. This is particularily funny as I am an RN, with my specialty being Lactation Consultant. As in Breastfeeding! What's not so funny is that if I was "Ti-less in Arizona" I would be out of a job!!!
:D :D :D



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