Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
So yesterday morning i put duncan's coat on and took him to the dog park nice and early to meet up with some friends and let them romp in the fresh snow....Mind you i'm not usually a fan of going on the weekends as i feel that there are a lot of "less experienced" dog owners there on weekends. But we figured it'd be quiet.
Everything was fine. Duncan was digging and fetching a stick and having a good time. We were actually just about ready to leave and then someone gave him a dog biscuit which of course he couldn't refuse. So while he was munching on it a pit bull named roxy came to sniff his butt and i guess see if he wanted to play. He looked over his shoulder and growled. He of course wanted to finish his cookie (and protect it). She immediately attacked him. It happened so fast. He was pinned and i heard him yelp. Ugh! But the owner grabbed roxy quickly and they took her out of the main dog run into the smaller pen. They asked if Duncan was ok. I looked at him and he seemed fine. Mind you his coat was on. I figured if she bit him i'd see the coat was ripped. We left and it was a normal afternoon. That evening i noticed blood on his coat on the inside...i brushed it off for a second thinking maybe roxy's tooth got caught on the coat and bled. Um NO! Upon inspection i found a large flesh wound. My poor Dunkeroo had been bit and I didn't even know. So i rushed him to the vet. They cleaned it out and put a staple to close it up. He had to get a shot of antibiotic and a rabies booster.
I am so mad at myself for not inspecting him sooner but even more mad that after speaking to others apparently roxy has bitten 2 other dogs. The owners are a sweet young couple who rescued her and are trying to give her a good life but i think the time has come to acknowledge that she is better off not in the park. Or at least she needs some assessment/training...
In the meantime, Duncan is sporting a shaved patch on his back. I've been making him wear a tshirt to cover his boo boo because he can scratch it with his back leg.
We talk about first aid a lot here and how to clean wounds etc. I think my $200 was money well spent to know it was taken care of correctly. I have peace of mind. I think about how i would have tried to put neosporin on it and not thought to remove the fur there first. I know my limits!
Anyway, just wanted to share.
Poor Duncan! What a shame this happened. I hope he recovers quickly. I am not a dog park fan and when I get tempted to go, I will remember this story. I don't think $200 is a bad bill from the vet. Will you be able to contact the owners of the pit - they need to know. Maybe you could post a notice at the dog park for them to contact you. They seem like they would be responsive.
Just a sidebar: I was reading "Inside of a Dog" today and the author was discussing play behaviour in dogs. She said that dogs play best one on one because they are able to cue each other and read signals regarding the terms of the play. When more dogs are added in, cues get lost/missed due to their inability to attend to multiple goings on and fights are more likely. She said a threesome will work with dogs that know each other well, but it is rare (kinda like school age girls lol). It renews my resolve to do playtime with only dogs I know, an opportunity that presents itself at least once a week.
I really believe that about the dogs being best one on one for play. I'm going to read that book. Sounds quite interesting.
Luna doesn't like to play with more than one dog at a time, but will rarely play chase with 2+ dogs if that's all they're doing (no wrestling).
However, she has 2 "best friends" that live on our street and she will happily play with both of them at once. These 3 dogs have "grown up" together and know each other very well and all play nicely, but like you said it's rare!
I am so sorry for Duncan and for you! What a horrible experience. I agree that Roxy does not belong at a dog park! I hope that Duncan heals well. Please keep us posted.
Poor Duncan I hope he is feeling better soon. I take my doodles to the dog park and thank God never had any problems what so ever. I try to get there really early and leave when it get too crowded. Sasha and Oliver are very friendly and love all humans and other dogs its the "other" dogs I worry about sometimes.
Oh my!! I am so sorry!! That angers me so much. Hope Duncan is not traumatized by the whole incident. I would definitely talk to the dog owners, they need to understand that their dog does not belong at a dog park.
I agree! They can give her a good life without taking her to a dog park! Really, with the prior knowledge that their dog has bitten before, they have no business having her at a dog park. They are seriously asking for trouble! They sound clueless!
Poor Duncan. I would be devastated if Lucy was bit. Hope he feels better soon.
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