Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The Doodle cruise departed Ft lauderdale this morning. Who's up for a repeat of the virtual cruise we had last year???

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WTD?  Happy you're here Sandy, but I'm afraid we have to throw you overboard with Lori for looking so great in a bathing suit for real! LOL

I agree...Throw her overboard! Lol!


Hey guys ... sorry I'm late to the party!  While you all have been floating around the big ocean and enjoying fruity drinks with umbrellas in them I have been rehoming doodles this morning!   Here they are getting ready to load up with new Daddy Rick and new Aunt Kathy!   I can assure you they are going to be very loved. 

Happy life Shadow and Sadie!

Oh Yay! Yay! Yay! They got a home together??? !!! TERRIFIC!!!

How exciting!!  Are they really adopting them??  Shadow and Sadie get to go to their furever home together?

Together! And they have a stay-at-home dad to shower them with love every day for the rest of their lives! 

Wow!  Best news ever!!

That is the most AWESOME news!!!

Oh. Sheri, we've been waiting for this moment for so long! I've been checking my messages all a.m., lol! This really needs a post of it's own! 

Happy Tails to you, Sadie & Shadow! May you live happily ever after with your wonderful new dad & aunt! 

Sheri, thank you for being the Fairy Godmother for another two doodles in need! 

Is there a way to get word of this to the DKers on the real cruise? I know that they will be so happy to hear this, especially Laurie! 

JD I did another discussion, but thought I'd put this in here.  I'm hoping the cruisers get the word as they are in Key West today so they should have access to the internet.  I've pretty much plastered it every where.  You are right, this one was exhausting.  Having a stay at home Dad is going to be wonderful.  Their new family has put a lot of thought into their homecoming.  Their Aunt Kathy who I mostly talked to was in tears several times while she was here just thinking about the family they are leaving behind and how hard it was for them to come to this decision and she just kept telling Shadow and Sadie over and over again, you never have to worry about anything again.  It was interesting today when we were getting them ready to go they sort of kept going to Mike and it finally dawned on me that they were used to their Daddy doing everything for them so how great that they are going to a home with a single Dad.  However, Aunt Kathy is pretty confident she will be converting them to love her just as much.  Their love for them already was heartwarming.  You are right it was worth the wait, even if I did loose a lot of sleep in the process. 

I'm fairly new here and have not been around for the whole story.,,,,,but this brought me to tears and I just had to run and hug my little girl, Enzo.  Thanks for taking on the role of their Guardian Angel.



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