Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
She's a chocolate female about 2-4 years old, and she looks so sad to be in one of the worst high kill shelters in North Carolina. This shelter kills EVERY animal in their facility EVERY Wednesday.
There is a doodle backyard breeder somewhere in Harnett County that keeps breeding and dumping dogs at the shelter where they are killed if they aren't pulled or rescued. It makes me so angry!!!!
Is there any way to stop the Kill Shelter its self? Could an add campaign be started or a protest walk out front? I would observe the site until I saw the doodle dropper then follow her home to see where her operation is. Then another campaign arming people with the truth about this breeder broker what ever she is.
I am so glad of the help of the doodle rescue. But I am still thinking of the other dogs that were euthanized for no reason other than it was Wednesday! I can't imagine that people are ok with that practice. Is there any way to start changing the laws in that area.
Thank God for all of you.
Hi Lorraine. Unfortunately these High Kill Shelters are very common and they are common all over the U.S., not just in our area. Most people don't realize what these places are like because they haven't ever been to one or they are not involved in animal rescue. I hope that one day there will be no such thing as a kill shelter.
As for the doodle dropper herself......I would bet money she isn't selling to the public but probably shipping these pups to pet stores. Trust me, if I didn't have to go to work everyday I would plant myself outside the door of this shelter and just remain seated there until she shows up. But I can promise you that it may not be today or tomorrow but I WILL find her.
One positive is that there are people here that are pulling animals out of this shelter just to take them to Wake County where I live where they will have somewhat of a chance. Wake County holds pets as long as they can, gives basic medical care and even has a foster program. The SPCA of Wake County will pull animals from the Wake Shelter when there time is running out. The reality is that this goes on everyday , everywhere and is more than likely happening where you live too.
It makes me very, very sad.
Lorraine, usually a no kill shelter will state that on its website. Below is your ospca's policy. Usually an spca will operate under the same policies as yours, however our spca in my county has gone completely no-kill in the past year which is one small victory. I don't know anything about the law in Canada or how your government supported animal shelters work but would be happy to investigate it for you if you like.
I think it is awesome you are considering fostering.
Q: What is the Ontario SPCA's policy on euthanasia?The Ontario SPCA takes the issue of euthanasia very seriously. It is only done when there is no other humane option available. Reasons the Ontario SPCA euthanizes include: terminal illness or injury where there is no possibility of recovery, behavioural problems that pose a threat to other animals or humans, stray or feral overpopulation, disease transmission, and old age where the quality of life is impaired by major loss of functions.
Sadly, in some cases animals may be euthanized due to shelter overcrowding. Overcrowding threatens the lives of all the animals in our care due to stress, weakened immune systems and increased risk of disease transmission. This requires us to make difficult decisions about euthanasia based on health, physical, emotional and psychological suffering, and the best interests of the hundreds of animals receiving lifesaving care in a facility.
Hi Rachel,
There is always a need for fosters in every state in the US! Michigan has lots of doodles in shelters and if there is no place to put them they cannot be pulled from the shelter. Ohio has a huge number of 'breeders' that dump their doodles they cannot sell or breed anymore.
If you are interested in learning more about the Doodle Rescue Collective, look at our site -
Click on the heading VOLUNTEER, there is lots of info on what it takes to be a good foster family and what you might encounter with a foster - the good and the bad.
Let me know if there are any questions you might have.
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