Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

There is a planned romp for June 11 at 3 PM in Pittsburgh.  Lucky Paws resort, $10 admission.  Anyone else able to come?  We could all do a sort of potluck group effort for food and then we could each spend around $20 on a little gift bag for another doodle to take home.  That way no one spends too much and has to collect raffle money or anything :) Just an idea. 

Only two are confirmed as going, so if you can spare a little time please try, I'm sure your dood would be glad you did!

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Wish I lived close to Pittsburgh!  How your Doodle Romp is fun!
Wow...looks and sounds fabulous. Wish we could join you but we live a few miles too far away :) You certainly are "lucky" to have access to such a facility. I don't think we have anything remotely like here in So. California???
I wish!!! Ontario needs to plan things like this!!!
I agree! There are sometimes doodle romps in Ottawa, but there isn't any on the horizon.
BB is looking forward to this! The more the merrier!!, ;-]
Sounds great too far from us though. Enjoy and post pics!!!

Reminder if your planning on going, please bring verification of Rabies, Bortadella and Distemper vaccines.




Lisa and Daisy from Ohio posted in the Ohio board that they are hoping to come, too. ;-]

sounds like it is a bust.. 2 or 3 doods?  Do you think its worth it?

well its up to you... I'm moving back to State college (Bellefonte actually) in 3 weeks. You live there? We can do an informal doodle romp then? My parents live about 5 miles from the Lucky Paws place, and i'll be in town there for a good friend's bridal shower on Sunday, so I plan on going either way. It might not be worth it for you to drive all the way out here though... I'm sad that we had interest but no bites.


If you want we can keep it as is, we may get another 1 or two people making it worth the drive. but no pressure... ;-]

i dont think its really worth the drive as it is now.  When you move, there is Tudek dog park in town that we go to every week, usually Saturdays around noon.  Hopefully we'll run into you there!



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