Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

With a heavy heart I am writing to inform you all that our sweet Dublin who was being fostered by Adrianne Matzkin's daughter Marissa Tait in Pittsburgh was killed this evening.


Marissa's husband Seamus had Dublin and their doodle Mickey out for their evening walk when both Seamus and Dublin were struck by a speeding hit and run driver 1 block away from their home. The driver was apparently going so fast that he skid and hit the curb propelling the car onto the snow covered sidewalk striking Dublin killing him almost instantly and then striking Seamus so hard that it knocked him out of his boots. The cars front tire actually ran over Seamus' foot and leg injuring both. Luckily The Tait's dog Mickey was behind Seamus at the time of impact and was not injured. Terrified, Mickey ran all the way back to the house.
The driver did not stop........
Thank goodness the snow was deep enough to cushion the force of the cars tires as they ran over Seamus' leg or his injuries would have been far worse. The snow was not deep enough to spare poor Dublin. He was closest to the oncoming car and was struck first.
He tried to get up for an instant and then collapsed. By the time Seamus got to him he was gone. Crying, in shock and dragging his own injured leg, Seamus picked up Dublin and carried the 70 Lb. dog back to the house to a hysterical Marissa who was on the phone with me shortly after and inconsolable. I only wish that I could have been there with them as they were experiencing this terrible tragedy. I felt completely helpless and could only offer a calming voice on the other end of the phone as comfort.
Another driver who witnessed the event had already called the police and then proceeded to try and chase the hit and run driver. The driver has not been found.The police arrived minutes later along with an ambulance.
Seamus so pumped up on adrenalin refused treatment and opted instead to help the police try to find the driver. Marissa and her father-in-law wrapped Dublin in a blanket as Mickey who had been trying to rouse him, sat by sullenly watching. Though they knew that he was gone, together they took Dublin to the emergency vet. The vet confirmed that Dublin had been killed by blunt force trauma to the head and that thankfully he had not suffered.
I am personally so devastated by the loss of this poor dog who never seemed to be able to catch a break in life that I am finding it difficult to type this post.......I cannot imagine what this young couple who with Dublin in their charge were first time foster parents are going through emotionally in the aftermath of this evenings events. They drove 5 plus hours in total to rescue him from a neglectful and abusive home in Ohio. They bravely brought him into their home flea bitten, stinky, sick and scared and immediately showered him with all the things that he had never before experienced in his 5 years of life--care, human kindness and unconditional love. I do know that they are utterly grief stricken, completely devastated and feel personally responsible for Dublin's death.
I am asking you all to please reach out to Marissa and her husband Seamus and let them know that we are grateful to them for taking such good care of Dublin and for giving him a second chance for a happy life. Now more than ever they need the support of our rescue family and our DK family and most importantly they need to know that this tragedy was not their fault.
No matter where we are all located throughout the country, we all came to know and love  Dublin. We are all grateful for this sweet, gentle soul and that he finally had a chance to experience  the unconditional love, attention and affection that he had so cruelly been deprived of for most of his life. Even if it were only for a short while, his last days were joyful carefree and filled with love. He was a happy dog in spite of his past and all of the medical tests and vet visits he was subjected to as we tried to save his sight. Thank you for following his story and for all of your help and support.
.......and thank you for any words and expressions of sympathy appreciation and kindness you can offer this young couple through this terrible time.
With great appreciation,

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I am so sorry... Foster parents have my deepest respect and I can't imagine what they feel right now. Dublin did not get any breaks in life but he did have his final days filled with love, respect and caring humans. What a horrible tragedy and I hope they can catch whoever did this.
sending prayers out to all...sad day for all
but Dublin was blessed to have a wonderful foster family
Dublin had the happiest days of his life with Marissa and Seamus and Mickey. God bless you for that! I hope you all recover fast from this tragedy.
In Memory of Dublin - Please vote for the DRC so we can continue to help
other doodles like Dublin find the care and home that they deserve.

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Fill in shelter name Doodle Rescue Collective
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I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers, Thank you so much for taking him into your home. Even though you only knew him a short time I am sure he is going to let a big empty space in your hearts.
Oh Marissa and Seamus! What an absolutely awful awful tragedy :( And he looked like a male Thule... I can't even imagine the horror of having witnessed that! I'm so sorry...poor Dublin. It's just not right.
Our hearts are breaking for Dublin and her wonderful family. We hope Seamus is doing well and that the future brings only happy days. I hope to meet you all when you come down to visit Mom. I pray that they find the coward driver that created this tradgedy and make him feel the pain that we share for your loss.
Prayers of strength for all...and Godspeed to for the driver...guilt and punishment...We are very sorry for your loss and have peace in knowing you gave something wonderful to Dublin...the gift of love...
With a heavy heart I sit here reading this e-mail. This is tradedy on so many levels. Where do I start.... Dublin might not have has a great strart in life but due the dk family and rescue did go to a wonderful home, even for a short time and did receive the best love a dog could have gotten from Marissa, Seamus and Mickey. This could have happened to anyone of us walking our own dogs, foster pups and boarding dogs or even family and friends dogs who we all help from time to time. This is not Marissa or Seamus's fault but we can all feel their pain. This is the fault of a person who had no heart to even stop and see what damage they did. Marissa, Seamus & Mickey are all in my heart and prayers. If their is anything I can do to help them please let me know. I know time heals all wounds and can mend a broken heart but it sure does not fee like that in the beginning. Dubin did finally know what love is and is now at rainbow bridge with all our dogs that have crossed over. He is free of pain and filled with love as all our dogs are at rainbow bridge. He will watch over us like all our dogs making sure that we do remember to love and take care of all the dogs that need us. I do hope that Seamus leg and foot heal quickly along with everyones hearts. When the time is right I am sure they will open their home to another doodle that needs them. For now heal your hearts and Seamus's leg and foot and when the time is right you will welcome another doodle in need to remind them of how wonderful the right home can be and to help them in their journey to their forever home.......Debbie & Mya & kasey
I am sitting here in tears as I read this. I am only thankful that there are people like you out there so that Dublin's last days were at least happy ones. Thinking of you and feeling your pain.
OMGoodness, what a tragedy!!!!!! My heart and soul goes out to Marissa and Seamus. What loving people they are and do not deserve this kind of grief. How horrible some people are, to not even stop and see what they could do to help. I pray that Seamus is ok. I'll bet that Mickey was scared to death, poor doodle boy. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} TO ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marissa, Seamus and Mickey and of course Adrianne, (also to the entire doodle community)

Our hearts and sympathy go out to all. It will be hard for everyone to heal from this tragedy. Hopefully time will help.

Marissa and Seamus thank you for giving Dublin everything he needed and more. We are all grateful that you (Seamus) did not get more injured.

There just aren't enough or the right words to express our deep sympathy.

Andy, Sharon and family



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