Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We love our little Sasha to bits! But she has one problem; she drools excessively in the car. I'm talking buckets! It's horrible. We first noticed it while bringing her home from the breeder's. It goes all over the place! We are a family that travels a lot and are hoping this is just some kind of phase she's going through. We feel horrible for her. The moment I put her in the car it starts. Any thoughts on what I should do?

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How old?

She is now 12 weeks old.

If she is a pup and car rides are still new to her it might just be a matter of nerves until she adjusts to the car...possibly a bit of motion sickness.  If it doesn't stop and you have to travel you might try a mild tranquilizer from the vet.

I had a friend whose dog did this all the time.The dog was nervous in the car.Finally after some desensitization she got better.They started out with her sitting in the car without it moving and then graduated to short rides until she felt secure.

She could also be feeling car sick.

She may get better as she gets older. The inner ears are still developing and car rides can be stressful to pups because the movement. Buddy didn't drool, but he  threw up  almost every time he was in the car until around 6 months of age. He got better as he got older. We took a vacation from South Carolina to Colorado when he was around 6 months and he did great.

We also learned what worked for him by trial and error. He did worse when his tummy was empty. A small meal an hour before leaving was best for him. On days of long travel we would make sure he got a lunch break with a bit of time after before starting to drive again. We also used Dramamine. I would give him the minimum dose the night before the trip and then a dose about 1 hour before leaving. That usually worked for the whole day of travel. Recommended dosage is 2 to 4 mg per lb. of body weight. It can be repeated after 8 hours. I wanted to make sure he did not have bad reactions to the drug, so I gave him a dose one morning when we were not traveling.

The main thing is to try to reduce the stress. Have you tried putting her in a crate during the trips? Sometimes that makes them feel better. Covering the sides and allowing them to only see out the front can help. Make sure she has fresh air.

While I was trying to get Buddy used to the SUV I would feed him one meal a day in it. We didn't go anywhere, but I would just feed him there. Maybe spend a few minutes  playing and then go back out. I also tried taking him short trips around the block. The  Dramamine, which really did help him, it also had the bonus of making him sleepy, so he slept during most of the trips. He now has the habit of getting in the SUV and going to sleep.

I hope you find something that works for Sasha and that she grows out of it.

Yes, the drooling is from nausea--like others have said, take her out for small trips--windows open a bit and keep the crate level (she is in a crate, right????)--take it easy around corners too--she will get better--I used to give my car sick girl a bit of dramamine and it helped a lot but she was 7 months old when we got her. She outgrew it.

Bella was a drooler also when younger. For her it was a sign of vomiting coming next. We desensitized and we are up to about 2 hours before she will start drooling or retching. So we keep our rides at less than that , empty belly, ginger snap cookies as treats and lots of waterproof layering on the back seats. We haven't taken her for a long ride (longer than an hour) for quite sometime, so she may be fine now. She will be 3 in July.
She comes with me around town quite often but has no problem with short trips. Start slowly and build up time just sitting in car and then short drives around the block. Good luck.

I hope she outgrows it.  My Moose has not.  He loves to ride in the car to the dog park but by the time we get there he is soaked down his chin.  He licks the window non-stop.  My car is now a complete dog mobile.  Just a thought, you might try putting a small t-shirt on her (like a modified Thundershirt)

My Oliver used to also get really Drooly and would throw up 1-2 times on a 7 hour trip. I am now taking him in the car at least 4-5 times a week and he is doing Great!!! I thought an empty stomach was key, but through trial and error realized a small meal makes him less nauseaus. I tried Dramamine and that he threw up immediately. Every dog is different but you will figure out what works!!!! :)))

My Oliver gets nervous in the car and drools too.  When he was a puppy the car really freaked him out where he would poop and puke = what a mess.  He grew out of it some what, I also try to keep him facing forward which helps.   After a while what worked for us was I would not feed him and I would exercise him a lot before we went anywhere which relaxed him too.  He is going to be 3 and is still a bit nervous but nothing like when he was a puppy.  I think Sasha will grow out of it in time and there were some great suggestions posted here that I am going to do as well.  Good luck!

Thank you everyone for the great comments and information! We took her out yesterday for a short ride, in the front seat on me a there was a lot less drool. We will try to do this everyday and see if that works. Eventually we are going to set her up in the back seat. Our biggest worry right now, is getting her to stay 'dry' for our hour ride to her vet on Wednesday. Wish us luck!!



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