Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Today Mariner went out in the snow to pee and couldn't get back in due to the snow drifts and him getting disoreinted.  Just as DW was going out to help Shayna ran to him and "escorted" him in.  She created a path in the snow and encouraged him to follow her.


We got about 18 inches of snow.


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Every time you tell us these things, I am amazed even more. What a bond they must have.
I have seen this type of thing. My mom's dogs were like that, with the older one "telling" the younger one to behave and the younger one helping the older one or alerting my mom that the older one needed to go out etc.
This is so heart warming.
I had two German shorthaired pointers, Cookie was epilectic, she would jump into our inground pool and go for a swim and then climb up the ladder to get out. One day, she couldn't get out of the pool. The other dog, Holly, kept barking like crazy trying to get my husband to come out of the house. He finally came out to see what the problem was and realized Cookie was in trouble and jumped in the pool to get her out. At that point, Holly collapsed in exhaustion in the grass. If Holly had not alerted my husband, Cookie would probably have drown.

I see Jersey taking care of our old Lab, Jessie when Jasmine gets a little too rough playing with her. She will go "calm Jasmine down".
Unfortunately the only thing my two do is help each other get dirty when they're outside!!!
We had a golden retriever mix, Cody, and a shepherd mix, Dixie. Cody was always the "older brother", he was around 5 yrs old when we found Dixie abandoned on the road. Dixie was just around 8 wks old when we found her. When Cody was 14, he was deaf and would get a little distracted and disoriented. We would ask Dixie "Where's Cody?" and she would find him, get his attention, and lead him back to us. Dixie got cancer last March and she died in October. Cody was 15 1/2 yrs old at the time and didn't seem to notice that Dixie was gone .We already had our goldendoodle, Webster, so Cody wasn't alone, and Cody was deaf, partially blind, and couldn't smell much. Four days after Dixie died, Cody quit eating and could barely stand. Exactly 1 week after we had to put Dixie to sleep, we had to take Cody. They were best friends, brother and sister, and definitely helped each other throughout thier lives.
Oh I feel so bad for Mariner with all that snow. It makes things so much more difficult. I'm sure it is comforting to know that Shayna is always around to help when needed. I saw a small example of this with our girls just today. Lucy starting making a funny sound almost like wheezing and sooner than DH could get up and get to her, Sophie came running from the other room and right up to Lucy and starting sniffing her face. Wasn't really anything either of them could do, but is was heart tugging to watch Sophie try. She was fine after just a few seconds.
That is so nice and sweet that Shayna supports Mariner..... I am hoping that when Butter gets really old - he is already old, but doing well - Charlie will support him. Only thing she does now, is that when he pushes the door and wonders out to the yard ( Fenced in ) without our knowledge, she would bark and come get us. She has been trained and she would not go outside unless she was told "OK", but he has not been trained like that. So, Charlie letting us know Butter's whereabouts is really helpful.
My dogs work together as a team when they hunt rabbits or squirrels. One will chase the prey toward the other who will then move in for the kill.

Once, when Lilo had an ear infection, Rocky came over and licked her ear vigorously every time she started scratching it. Not sure his licking helped, but it was a nice gesture!
My two help each other get into trouble!!! I guess sometimes they may try to help each other. At the lake Dustin always goes back out and swims around Fenway while she's trying to get back in. He's like an otter in the water, but poor Fenway has to have a life jacket or else she sinks quickly. We keep telling her if she'd just use her back legs this wouldn't happen, but she doesn't listen so her brother swims around and around her instead :)
Last night I saw Neely the doodle licking Jazzies elbows for her. Jazzie was just standing and letting him do it for her. I think Jazzie must have liked it. Neely was likely just eating off the polysporin! But it did look heartwarming.
I've seen it many times with my various dogs. Today was another example.

We've got three at our house currently. One is a temporary foster, one is our permanent dog and the other is a foster who we are in the process of making a permanent part of the pack.

The temp foster and Talullah jumped over the fence and went prancing around the neighborhood. The boy we're adopting (who has his own checkered past with regards to running loose) continuously barked at my husband to alert him about the escapees.

Everyone was reunited without incident. And my husband is at the hardware store right this very minute buying higher fencing!



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