Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Halas had his heffalumps (lipomas) removed this morning.  I got to pick him up about an hour ago.  Here are some photos.  They are a little gross.  Between the two of us, we have cornered the market on stitches over the last week.  And we both get our stitches removed on the same day.

This is his right hip.

Left side just in front of the hip.

A couple of attempts at a photo of the one on the right side of his groin area.

And a final one of Halas in his cone of shame.  He doesn't really like to move much at all with it on.  When we got home, I took him to the field behind our condo for a short walk.  Once we got to the grass, he just sat down and wouldn't budge.  It took a few minutes to convince him to walk back in his cone.  This picture kind of shows how he feels about the cone.

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YUM, best dinner ever, at least in my book it would be !

Poor Halas was really  worked over! I hope the two of you heal quickly. So glad to know that you don't have to wear a cone too. :) Or do you...?? Tara sends doodle kisses to both of you!

I can't reach mine to lick them, but it is tempting to pick at the bandages.

I did try to picture you in a cone....

Something stylish, to go with my shoes.

Maybe Halas would like his better if he saw that you had to wear one too ;)

Glad this is over for you and the healing can begin. Did the Vet give him some pain meds to take at home over the next few days?
He should be fine until the morning, and I can call in the morning if he seems uncomfortable.

So sorry to hear this..hope he has a speedy recovery!

Oh my,breaks my heart. He looks so sad
Wish him well for us & a most speedy recovery

oohhhh Poor Halas!!! I hope he heals quickly....

Oh poor baby...  Looks like he's giving someone the stink eye for making him walk in public with a cone!



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