Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
My Breeder has a very sweet laid back pup that matches my one year olds personallity. Can't make up my mind if it is a good idea to add one more to the mix. Anyone out there regret getting the second doodle? Also worry about destruction that a teething pup can do. We were very lucky with our first one!
2 better than one? And what has your doodle destroyed??
I say two is always better than one. :) As far as destruction...I wouldn't know where to begin!! lol.
That is so funny Amber! Libby definitely had her moments as a puppy! Results of those moments: new furniture, have to replace our landscaping in the backyard, and learned to hide everything in sight like clothing, socks, etc, etc. At times I was thinking "what did we get ourselves into", but a year later we don't even think about those days and she is the love of our lives, the sweetest dog we have EVER had and worth every penny to replace anything she decided to use as her teething ring:) WE are in total DOODLE LOVE and she brought us to DK which is the best!
Footnote to my last reply: We would have another Doodle in a heartbeat:)
My first, second and third doodles never chewed on anything but their toys! So hopefully you will have the same experience with #2--there are lots of discussions about getting a second doodle that you can search for and also a multiple doodle group--I don't remember any negative comments unless they were both very young and it was hard to train two pups at the same time.
You will LOVE it!!
I hope I am as lucky as you were. Everyone who has a doodle from this breeder has nothing but great things to say about their dogs, so I kind of know what Im getting. Im going to read up on everyone elses experience and advice!
I'd join the Multiple Doodles group and read some of those discussions. Lots of us struggled with the decision of whether or not to add the second Doodle and we've included many of our experiences there.
We have three and I love them all to pieces. Except for the stuffing and squeakers in toys and a few holes in the yard, they have destroyed nothing. They are funny, sweet and can make me want to pull my hair out at times. Similar to having more than one child. However, along with all the funny wonderful moments, one has to considered that it is twice the work, twice the food and twice the money. On the other side, it's twice the love, fun and laughter. Personally, except for the money part, I find more than one much easier than one.
Cyndi, just curious but why do you say that more than 1 is easier than 1?
definately check out the multiple doodle owners group like Jane suggested but also ask yourself some important questions:
1. do I have the time to devote to a second dog (think extra grooming, extra training, extra loving,etc)
2. are my finances in a place to allow me to comfortably afford that second dog (extra food, extra training, extra vet bills, boarding, etc)
3. is the whole family on board with this idea
4. what will I do if I have issues between my first dog and my second dog
5. I just got past the puppy stage with my first doodle, am I ready to do it all over again
6. Is my schedule conducive to house breaking a puppy right now
This is now a tough question for me to answer. I used to be one of those that just jumped in and said, heck yes if you have the time and money go for it. Twice the doodle love. However, a lot of things have made me rethink lately how I view this and they don't just all relate to me personally. Many of them have to do with people I've met here on DK. They had wonderful doodles they were head over heels with and we had this same discussion with them. Then, the new doodle for one reason or another wasn't as easy as the first. For some it is a lifetime commitment of challenges and trainers and vet bills. I think like Amy says because she is one I speak of, you really have to ask yourself those tough questions. Yes, it is very possible you will get another wonderful doodle and life will be good. However, it might not work out that way. As an example, I have basically been glued to my house since July with one or the other of my ddoodles. Not that we can't go anywhere, but we can't go far. We have to be close enough to get to the Vet within a few hours. We gave up a vacation to FL for a month in January that we had booked since last Spring because one of the girls is sick. This is going to continue for who knows how long yet. Obviously when you have two the chances of your having illnesses or injuries increases. We had a torn CCL because of playing too rough. There is more wear and tear on the yard, there are 8 muddy footprints instead of 4. Even things like feeding aren't as simple any longer. I need to know how much who is eating so I have to just stay right there while they are eating instead of just sitting the bowl down and walking away. There are twice as many potty trips outside. That seems important at the moment because it has been zero outside and potty trips aren't fun. So, I guess my point is it is a crap shoot ... you will hopefully get very lucky, but you also have to be prepared if you don't!
lol...and of course those potty trips are NEVER at the same time when it is freezing cold or pouring down rain!!
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