Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

W have been searching for something "chewable" for Toby that is SAFE. He needs something to help occupy his time for short periods at a time, he is always supervised, never left  unattended with anything. He can't have antlers or bully sticks. We have tried the himalyan chews, but can't have those, either. We have had 2 pet stores highly recommend these wood chews. Both stores told us these are completely safe, safer than nylabones, which we also don't give Toby. They said as they chew on them and get wet they get softer and can not splinter. Hmmm, I don't know if this is a good idea to use these. We have been freezing kongs with plain yogurt and banana mixed in. He loves that, but is getting bored with it. Since his surgery he is bored out of his mind and we need something for him to chew on. He is a super power chewer so we don't want anything he can break a tooth on or swallow pieces.  We also have the green everlasting ball which we put pieces of treats in but he is also becoming bored with that. Any thoughts or suggestions?


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Beckett is a chewer not a biter, I guess. :) The problem we are having is he's never been destructive in the past (once he was no longer a very young puppy), but now at 10 1/2 months has decided he likes to tear things up- his toys (anything cloth, rope or fabric he actually eats!), underwear he steals, flip flops, throw blankets. He hasn't bitten off any pieces of the Benebone, so I guess we're ok there.

Toby can also be destructive, he requires a lot of daily exercise. I think the Benebone would be good for dogs that can "knaw" on it, but Toby likes to bite on things and the pet stores agreed he would be at higher risk of breaking another tooth.. 

I am going to add to this thread just as an FYI.......My 5 year old ALD had surgery 1.5 weeks ago to extract one of his upper back molars which he fractured from chewing either an Antler, Benebone, or a Beef Marrow Bone.  This was major surgery and he has stitches which will dissolve shortly. Oliver has been on a soft food only diet and up until today has not been able to play with any toys or his sister, Ivy.  Oh and the surgery cost $1000.00.  My Vet and the Veterinarian Dentist that I saw both told me that "anything that does not bend or soften when chewed" can break or fracture teeth. From now on, I am following their advice  :)

This has been a big concern of mine.....and that is why I am trying to be very careful about what I give him....I do appreciate everyone's thoughts and comments. Anything I do try he will be monitored closely. Over the past several years we have tried antlers, beef marrow bones, etc and after watching how hard Toby bites down on them, they have all gone to the trash .I am so sorry your baby had this happen and I do wish him a speedy recovery. This is why I wondered if anyone had any experience with the wood chews...they said they "soften" as they chew....but I am still not sure that wood is a good idea... I plan to  try the Dura Chew but monitor closely to see how he does with it, and as always, we don't leave these out all the time, only when we are able to monitor closely...

I'm not familiar with wood chews so I can't comment on them.  I will only be giving my pups odorless Bullysticks from  The funny thing is that Oliver really is not an aggressive chewer and he ended up with fractured tooth!  He could really take or leave chewing and only does it because Ivy does.  She loves to chew!!  Thanks for your kind words and I hope the wood chews work out.  One thing you may want to try are Zogoflex toys.  They are extremely durable and Ivy chews on them all the time.  Here is the link

Toby didn't do well with the Bullysticks, broke pieces off and had diarrhea. We have a couple of the Zogoflex toys, the tug and tizzy.  They are great toys, very durable and seems like they are pretty much indestructible,  but he does not like to chew on them. Wish they had them in flavors  :-) . He is very treat oriented, and if there is no treat in it, he doesn't want it. He will chase them if you throw it but at this time the Dr. doesn't want him chasing anything until he has gone a few more weeks to strengthen up his leg from surgery.

Jack demolished 3 ft long bully sticks in under 5 minutes. Way too expensive for barely any chew time. I'm always amazed when people say their dogs' bullies last for a day or more. Not here. 
He did better with beef tracheas, but even those didn't last more than 15-20 minutes. However, they can't break a tooth on them, so you might try it. 

Bully sticks don't last as long as you'd like them to, but they were a good option for us until they became off limits due to possible allergies. Sad, as they were a favorite at our house and did seem to satisfy the urge to chew.
Beckett needs a lot of exercise too, LOL. 2 walks a day, day care 3x a week, play dates with neighbors dog, etc.

My Wally broke a large molar as a direct result of chewing on an antler. When we were at the canine dentist for the necessary extraction, there was a large poster displayed on the wall of the waiting room. On it was a very clear warning to stay away from Nylabones (and a host of other potentially dangerous chew items), so I am just sharing this with you. The dentist and our regular vet advised us from giving the dogs anything that didn't soften quickly and yield to the pressure of a fingernail pushed into its surface. I don't know anything about the wood chews -- interesting idea, though. 

We went to our local pet store this morning and bought the Dura Chew as pictured above. Toby was biting down so hard on it that I took it away. He doesn't "knaw" on it , he bites hard on the ends trying to break pieces off...ugh! It held up pretty good in the short time he had it, but after watching him trying to bite the end off.... I was scared he was going to break a tooth. And he already has one tooth that the tip broke off from chewing on a bone awhile back. I think it makes a difference in whether they can just knaw on it or bite at it. This has been an ongoing issue with Toby all his life, whenever he gets a chew toy, he is out to destroy it as quick as possible... I guess we may have to continue freezing plain yogurt in his kongs. Thank you all for the comments and suggestions. They are all good advice and suggestions, but unfortunately for Toby we still have to look for another solution. I am still open to any other suggestions or comments as I still hope I can figure out a solution to this issue.

Just as an FYI......Here are the lists of some Good and some Bad things for dogs to chew.  I received this from the Veterinarian Dentist.



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