Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My Bailey is 5 months old and needs to be groomed, so off I went this morning in search of a groomer.  I have got opinions on a groomer from three people who I ran into at Petsmart with goldendoodles who recommended a certain groomer that they said was just fantastic at grooming goldendoodles.  Well I took Bailey to the salon to meet this man and I really liked him, as did Bailey.  He was so very nice and told me what he would do and really seemed like he knew what he was talking about, but here is the problem.  Bailey is very easy going, except she is terrified of the vacuum cleaner.  She hides in her crate and shakes when I'm using it.  This place sounded like 10 vacuums were being used, it was very loud.  She was literally shaking the entire time.  Plus the place, IMO, was not very clean, in fact it was very dirty looking, smelled really bad, the people working there looked very unprofessional, and the cages that the dogs were in were very small.  I don't know what to do.  The groomer made me an appointment for Friday, right when they opened.  Do I take her or should I keep looking?  


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Go with your gut feeling! Messy is one thing, but dirty is another!

Keep looking…you don't want to traumatize Bailey for the sake of a good haircut.  Finding a groomer is trial & error…some funky haircuts happen before you find the groomer you like :)

I think I would still look around!   It's so hard to leave them the first time anyway and I would be uncomfortable with dirty!  

Keep looking.  Always go with your gut instinct on these kind of things. It may take awhile but you will find a groomer that you feel good about.

At some point in her grooming appointment she will be put in one of those small cages, maybe for hours till she dries, especially if they can't use the blow dryer on her if she freaks with the sound. Maybe look into a mobile one that comes to the house? There are many good groomers out there, you don't have to settle for dirty, or feeling like she will be traumatized. I guess at the very least, I would stay and wait for her, but again it could be hours.
My Murphy went to a groomer once, came out shaking and sick to his stomach and let loose a huge diarrhea right there in the salon. He's never been back. He's a little chicken anyway! Bella would just keep telling them off the whole time, while she wagged her tail!

I would keep looking around too!  I like the idea of a mobile groomer!!  I groom my doodle.... but I was in a pinch once and called a mobile groomer and she even let me stay in the van with her for the entire time.  It is important for the experience to be as easy on your pup as possible.  

If it was dirty, I would be worried that my dog could catch something there (think giardia, fleas, kennel cough) if the groomer is not disinfecting the cages and tools between customers.

I wonder if the groomer spends his time between grooming places.  If he does, maybe the other location would be more to your liking.

My thoughts are it could be too much for her if it's really loud and she's already scared of the vacuum noise. Imagine her being afraid the whole time because of the noise not to mention it being her first time.  You don't want to make it any harder than it has to be.  Also,  don't be afraid to ask some questions and or give constructive advice.  Tell him he comes recommended but that the appearance and smell are off putting. 

I would be concerned about the dirty part and worry about fleas, etc. I would keep looking.

I agree with the others, dirty conditions aren't acceptable! You may want to try to desensitize her to the vacuum cleaner or loud noises. If she goes to a groomer, most likely she will be exposed to loud dryer noise. Keep looking to find someone who is sensitive to Bailey's fear.



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