Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi there! I'm new to Labradoodles and this web site.
We just got a super cute little guy last week.
We were told he would have a shorter hair coat, which would
Be preferred,we walk and hike in trails and in the
Woods a lot. But it's starting to turn very curly
and fleecy. Super soft. That's ok too. But I can't
Tell. Can anyone help me figure out what
Harry's coat will eventually be?

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Hi Jane, how old is your pretty guy?

For me it's a bit hard to see, but it looks a bit like the coat of my boy when he was smaller.

8 weeks:

5 months:

Your right, it does. He's 10 weeks now.
I think we'll just have to wait and see. I've heard
It can change a lot.
Your guys is a cutie!

Hi ~ Harry is a real cutie and Henry has a beautiful chocolate coat!  It is hard to tell from the photo.  I guess time will tell.  When you get a chance be sure to check out the groups section on the main page and join as many as you like.  Welcome to Doodle Kisses!

Hi! Thanks, I'll do that.
This site cold suck me in for hours
If I'm not careful ;)

Yay, welcome Sandie and Harry. I've been wanting someone to name a doodle Harry for ages. 

That's funny....and thanks.
Our daughter named him. It was the first name she came up with and we all
agreed immediately. It had only been a short while
Since we were trying to come up
with 'Henry' for our slightly older puppy. I think
We were just happy to have him named quickly. And it
Suits him....should have spelled Hairy. :)
Welcome to DK. I think your guy looks a bit like my Calla when she was as pup and she has a very thick wavy coat now. But only time will tell.

Very cute! She looks wavy, but with her being so young she can have several coat changes! Either way, she's adorable. 

I agree with everyone else, time will tell! But, he sure is cute!

He looks pretty fluffy to me!

Our dog Luna has a short coat that does not need to be trimmed (except her "undercarriage").  

Here's what she looked like at 10 weeks old.  Notice how the hair on her legs is very short and her face isn't fluffy at all.  Her body hair is also very straight.

And as an adult (she is a bit of a goofball)

Mommy and daddy sit like this... Why are you looking at me funny?

Gorgeous dog!

He has a nice coat but it is really too soon to tell what he will look like--they cot goes thru changes and what he has not will all fall out or be trimmed off--Many doodles end up with a combination coat--soft curls and fluffy around the head and shoulders and wiry and thinner around the body and legs--that can be a great thing if you hike etc---you will just have to wait and see!!



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