Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Jack has had a spot on his back about the size of my fist that apparently lost hair. I don't know when it happen, I don't know how it happen but it is growing back very dark brown, way, way, darker then anything even close to his normal hair or puppy hair coloring. The hair in the area is a dark brown but it is the hair not the skin.. His hair has started to grow back but it is entirely a different texture and color.

I took him to the vet today to have a follow up from an ear infection... (Right side cleared up now he has one in his left side) The vet was so confused. It looked like an injury that was healed up. He never had an injury we are sure of that. The only thing we are not sure of is if Molly took a mouth of his hair and ripped it out.

Of course I am leaving for Cleveland Clinic next week. We are on antibiotics for his ear. He had blood work and chemistry today. all normal. Of note his heart rate was lower then it should be for his size dog. It was only in the 60s.

My vet wants to do another full work up on Jack and by full work up, I mean full work up. I have insurance but I have to put the money out first.. I know I should not complain.

Since he was borderline Addison's disease last time.. They want to re test him for that, They took blood work for Lymes disease. Tomorrow I have to go there and bring urine, and of course I agreed to the ACTH test because I am about to leave him again with my mom.

I researched online common causes of hair loss and Thyroid was one of them where he has a lot of the symptoms, low heart rate,, hyperpigmantation etc.

I didn't know if any of you have ever experienced this with your dog.. It is only in one spot. The skin is in tact, not red or inflamed. He is just missing a big wad of hair there, and has a tiny bit of very dark brown hair regrowth.

Ideas anyone?

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Thanks Gail I am sure he is fine... I really am... I am thinking he probably got into something either with Molly or at daycare. I am half tempted to cancel all that testing tomorrow.

 It just tugs at my heart the thought that if the doctor wanted to do a test and I said no and in the smallest chance it is something and I didn't do the right thing.. I would not forgive myself.

it does sound like an injury - when I was about 3 I was playing horsey with my Dad - he was on all 4s and I was riding on his back. I fell off and hit the top/side of my head on the fireplace. it was nothing serious, not enough to go to the hospital even, but ever since I have had a grey platinum streak of hair in that spot - apparently its something to do with damaged pigment...

That makes so much sense! ThanKs! Would you still do all that testing the vet recommended?
Thanks! I decided to let them do the full work up even though I am almost positive that he most likely lost that hair either Iin a scuffle or wrestling with heart would not settle God forbid something was wrong and I chose to ignore the Vets advice.

Thank God I have insurance....we are at $400.00 or close to it for most likely nothing...thank God I only have a small deductible.

We will get the results Monday... He was tested for Lymes. Thyroid and Addison's and had a full blood panel done....

I did take pictures of it but it is not showing up well at all, no clarity with the camera I used.

I am wondering if stress may have something to do with this?  I have a cat who when taken in the car to the vet..will shed huge handfulls of hair in a matter of half and hour!  Thank goodness hes a longhair..and you dont see any bare patches.  His name is Jack too!!!  LOL  Anyway..Good Luck !

Jennifer, I am pretty sure Jack has what is called "Injury Hair".  Gracie Doodle had it and is just fine.  When we travel without her we send her to a Dog Ranch.  Gracie is very skinny and you can feel her spine so when she was out rolling around and playing she most likely rolled over a rock/stone/tree root or something that basically bruised her back. I never noticed that she lost any hair there but the hair as it grew turned a very dark reddish and she is Jack's color (apricot).  Gracie is now 5 years old and every so often she will get a few spots of reddish hair down her spine and I just write it off to coming from a bruise.  Eventually it grows out and with groomings it gets cut off.  I did take Gracie to the Vet and and he mentioned Injury Hair.  I also Googled over and over looking for an answer.  Try Googling "Injury Hair on a Dog" or something like that.  I posted Gracie's first incident and posted photos but that was a few years ago.  Since then others have posted the exact same question.  Not to worry...just worry about yourself right now and Jack will be just fine...just will miss you a ton!  xo

This sounds right to me. Sadie had a scrape and bruise on her right side and the vet shaved the area. The hair that grew back is a slightly different color and texture--she's mostly cream and this is closer to apricot . I always think it looks a little bit like a kiss.

That does sound exactly what it is.. and it is on his spine. I read up on it and it looks like that is what it is. I also read about endocrine disorders because I just don't know enough but when Karen and F said it doesn't sound typical for thyroid I read. It looks like endocrine disorders have more of a throughout the whole body hair loss, or equal bilaterally from what I read. Jack has none of that.

None the less, I took him in, I am so glad I did not let them put him on antibiotics without a urine sample like they wanted to, His urine is perfect.  I did let them do the ACTH test and also the full thyroid test which total bills from yesterday and today are just over $500.00 right now. All she had to say is a low heart rate does not explain an injury. What the doodle am I supposed to do. I know in my heart he is fine but there is always that nagging feeling I have that if something is wrong and I don't do something to make his life as best as it can be... I just am crazy I guess.

I submitted my claims to insurance but I feel like my vet and I are not a good combo. I feel like she recommends every possible test under the sun just to be sure and she has me by my heart because Jack is my heart and I have a hard time being confident. I didn't want to take him this morning... anyway, thankfully for insurance I don't have more then a small deductible but that isn't even the point anymore.

She is the only vet I ever had. I don't know what other vets are like. She is very kind to me, she has come to my house to check Jack for me in the past and walked him as well, but that amount of money I pay to the vet, even though it is covered by insurance is obscene.

Thanks for all your replies.. I bet anything he got bumped around in daycare or Molly who is a tough and rough player knocked him around and he got a little bruise...

One thing for sure, we know for a fact the condition of every one of his organs now....

I am so glad everything is okay with Jack, so you can leave and not have to worry.  From what everyone said, it totally sounds like he did just get hurt & apparently that is pretty common to have happen.  If I were you and if I really liked my vet, I would just talk with her and tell her that although you love Jack more than life itself (which I'm sure she already knows...), you are trying not to panic so much everytime something happens a little "off"  and are trying to adopt a more "weight & see" approach perhaps.  I don't know, but it's a thought.

Yeah, I am thinking about saying something to her when I get back..I just have so much going on and I am a bit vulnerable so the at the mention of something possible being wrong with him.. they have me... My mom's vet has seen Jack before and she was super confident and super laid back. She believed in not over reacting to things etc.

What gets me is it seemed to be such common knowledge on here and yet, she is a very experienced vet and they acted like they never saw anything like it.

There are six different vets in the practice now.. I can see a different one. I only have ever seen her except occasionally.

Thank you so much. ....



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