Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Can I just say it? "NOOOO!!"
This is Harley's 3rd round of meds in the 3 months we've had him, so I guess we didn't get everything back in June when he tested positive.
At least this time, he's on Panacur.
I've washed his bedding and his toys. Sprayed down his crate and his water bowl tray and holder.
I'm now wiping things down with clorox wipes until I can mop everything with a clorox solution.
I told my hubby about the advice here about wiping down Harley's paws and sure he'll do that. (some sort of man-thing, perhaps.)
Well, I guess I didn't =really= want a restful weekend. LOL!
Terri and Harley
I always tell people to ask for Panacur rather than metronidazole; Panacur is more effective and safer.
You have to disinfect outdoor areas where he poops as well as indoor areas. Giardia cysts can live outdoors in any temperature above freezing. And of course, you have to prevent him from eating or drinking anything outside.
Good luck, I hope the third time is the charm.
Ugh the outside! That is going to be the real challenge. Spraying the grass with the clorox mixture is going to be the last/only recourse. Harley doesn't have a pooping "spot" and has gone all over the place. I've been picking up the poop but the hubby and the kiddo? Err...not.
So, I guess I will walk the yard, pick up any poop presents that were missed and spray away.
He is a sniffer and stick his nose into everything. Not sure how you break that in a 5 month old.
Terri (the pooper-picker-upper)
good luck! hopefully this goes away!
I hope this is the last of it and is gone for good. I have one of those husband things and he is harder to train than the dog.
Terri, it looks like you duplicated this discussion. If you hurry, you can delete the other one before anyone replies. Once that happens, you won;t be able to delete it, but you can close it. it will be very confusing to have two identical discussions going on at the same time, lol.
Done! Sorry about that, Karen. I don't even know how I managed that!
I'm so sorry....Giardia is so difficult to deal with. I'm guessing my husband would not be too vigilant about wiping the butt either!
So sorry to hear this. It is so frustrating when illness occurs again. I had my experience with poison oak and Harpo had it twelve times a couple of years ago. Now he is always on leash when out of the house, but he got out a couple of times lately and I sure hope he did not get in poison oak. There is some up the hill. We will see in a couple of days. Hang in there. It does get better and easier to deal with.
Our second doodle came to us with giardia so I know the drill you are going through. I think one of the most important things to do is pick up right after he has a poo, and spray that area with a water Clorox mixture. I only used a damp cloth to clean Beau's feet when he came in after being out. Since we had one doodle 1.5 yrs at the time, I was super vigil about always picking up so the other could not get infected, and the new doodle puppy would not re-infect himself. It is a pain, so I feel for you. It took us to rounds of panacur and our older doodle never did get it. Yeah! Your little doodle will get through it and so will you guys. Good luck
Sorry to hear it is back! Hopefully this is the last time he will have it!! Hang in there!!
Thanks, everyone for listening and for the advice.
After reading up on giardia in the forum, I know what I have to do and we'll get Harley to healthy.
It'll just take some extra elbow grease (and Clorox).
Funny, my schnoodle never had Giardia.
Then again...he once ate my thyroid medication.
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