Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Help Please! Need advice on 3 week old pups, Breeder forcing me to make my pick now

These standard Goldendoodle pups are almost 3 weeks old. Breeder who lives in Ohio (I live in Louisiana) is forcing me to make my pick early (I have first pick)  even tho her website clearly states picks will be at 6 weeks old. I am upset bc I don't feel at 3 weeks old I can even tell what they will look like or what their personalities be like.  So I'm asking for some guidance here.  Here are the 3 boys that am picking from.  PLEASE let me know if your now adult dog looked like any of these as a baby. I know its a long shot, but if breeder is forcing me to make my pick this early, I want to do as much research as I can as to other dogs that looked like them at 3 weeks and what they look like grown up. So PLEASE, if you have a Goldendoodle that looked alot like any of these pups.  PLEASE post a pic of what they look like now. Mostly interested in color and face shape, size etc.... These pups are all approx 2 1/2 lbs at 3 weeks.  Anybody out there know what their Goldendoodle weighed at 3 weeks? Just trying to see if these will be large dogs or average?? This is my first pet purchase OF MY LIFE, (and I'm 35 years old!!).  I want to get this right. It's like adopting a child, taking this very seriously. Any advice appreciated!

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The breeder wants to insure that all her pups are sold from this litter so she doesn't have to bother finding another buyer when #2 backs out.  Buyer #2 wants to be #1 pick & will move onto the next litter to be in that position.  Too bad...the breeder should hold #2 to the current agreement & not bother you with this.  It is not professional at all.  

Not to get into the politics of everything, the 2.9 oz doodle is my favorite of the three.  I love the red color of the first one but the big blocky head of the 2.9 oz.  He looks like he will be a beautiful boy. The 2.6 oz is my second favorite.

I would definitely have the breeder explain what she means..if she is asking you to pick your puppy at 3 weeks,,at what age is she letting you actually take your puppy home?

And, like the others have said, health and temperament are the most important things, color and fur type will change over time.

I would find a different breeder. These puppies are too young to know what their temperament is like. She is being irresponsible by expecting you to chose now. A good breeder will also help you to chose a puppy based on the temperament you are looking for and lifestyle you can offer the puppy.

It does not seem fair that the breeder's website states one thing and now she is saying something else.  I agree that you should tell your breeder that you are not comfortable making a decision now, and sent in a deposit with the understanding that you would pick at 6 weeks.  Stress that you are wanting to make an informed decision since you are seeking a lifelong companion and that temperament is the most important factor.  The suggestion that the 2nd pick family choose 1st and 2nd pup and you will pick at 6 weeks is a good idea.

That said, here is my opinion on the pups: 

2.6oz doodle seems to be a finer boned pup.  He will probably be a lighter framed dog - not necessarily smaller, but more of a poodle bone structure.  He is the darkest pup but that may fade.  He doesn't look like he has a lot of curl, curlier than the 2.7 oz pup but not as curly as the 2.9 oz pup.  Possibly  a heavy wavy coat.

The 2.9 oz pup TO ME looks like he has a thicker, curlier coat.  He is the heaviest boned pup with the most retriever features.  I wouldn't be surprised if he is a stockier dog with a loose curl in his coat.

The 2.7 oz pup looks like something in between the other two.  He seems to have the straightest coat of all three but just by a little.  He looks finer boned than his 2.9 oz brother but his face is a little boxier than the 2.6 oz pup.

I am good friends with my Webster's breeder.  Hopefully your breeder will understand your desire to wait but if you still need to make a decision I'll see if I can get some info/pics on 3 week pups and what they may look like.

If the website clearly states that you can pick at 6 weeks, then I would insist that I would want to wait until 6 weeks. Because once you pick a puppy, he will be yours for next 10 ~ 15 years! You would not want to feel like you got forced into picking the particular puppy!!

PLEASE - find another breeder.

Hi Ashley,

As much as I agree with pretty much everything everyone else has said....I am posting pics of my Oliver for you to see what he looked like and what he looks like now.  He was very red puppy and definitely went through a color change.  Again, I believe your breeder is not looking at what is best for her puppies  but what is best and more profitable for her.  Hopefully your new pup with be healthy and bring much joy to your life....Good luck!!

Love him and yes, he surely changed alot!!  It's so hard to tell from pups what they will look like grown. Wow! You have a beautiful dog. Is his hair that curly when its grown long or does it fluff out or become more wavy or shaggy? Or do you just keep him groomed short year round? Thanks for the pics, I enjoyed them :)


Here is another picture of Oliver with a longer coat.  Honestly....with his coat, the longer it is the more I have to brush him out.  His coat mats very easily when it is long.  I usually brush him out once every week.  Now when I say brush him out I mean that it takes at least an hour and I had to buy a grooming table to keep him still.  He got matted once and not only was it horrible for him but I had to let the groomer shave him and to me a shaved labradoodle is funny looking :(    He has more of a wool coat so I do have him groomed every 7 weeks and that works for both of us :) 

wow he DOES look sooo different, I mean, the color is dramatically different! That's crazy! He really looks like 2 different dogs. That's cool that he can have different "looks" ya options. I am soooo nervous about matting and the brushing and all that stuff. I would feel so bad if I hurt the dog, and hours at a time? Poor dog! I'm sure it's like someone pulling our hair out by the roots. Ouch!  Yea, not looking forward to that at all.

He is so handsome!!!!!  My girl is a dark red like he was when he was a puppy.  I wonder if she will lighten up like him.



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