Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Started this discussion. Last reply by Sarah and Gus Sep 12, 2016. 7 Replies 0 Favorites
Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy and Georgia Brown Jul 22, 2016. 31 Replies 0 Favorites
Started this discussion. Last reply by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern Mar 9, 2014. 41 Replies 2 Favorites
Crazy Doodle Lady has not received any gifts yet
Posted on April 6, 2014 at 7:42pm 11 Comments 1 Favorite
I can't believe it has been a month since I picked Dexter up from the breeder. What a month it has been! It's amazing to see how much a puppy can change in just a short time. It took 3 weeks to break him of his early morning wake up calls. Now he's a second shifter just like his mom and is happy sleeping in every morning. No more waking up with the sun! He no longer cries when I wake up and now patiently waits for me to let him out of his crate and take him outside.
ContinuePosted on March 1, 2014 at 8:00pm 13 Comments 4 Favorites
So today was the day I was going to meet Dexter for the first time. After about four hours of sleep I got in my car to make the three hour drive to see my boy. My three hour drive turned into six after the main road was shut down from an accident plus traffic galore. My eyes were blurry, my legs stiff and my brain fogged but I finally made it! Time to meet my little man!
I will start off by saying he is the sweetest little boy. He came right to me and said hello. He was…
ContinuePosted on May 3, 2009 at 5:29pm 10 Comments 0 Favorites
Posted on April 19, 2009 at 6:08pm 6 Comments 0 Favorites
Posted on April 17, 2009 at 4:07pm 8 Comments 0 Favorites
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Everything is sounding fine. What a beautiful little dog. I know he can never take Bear's place, but a nice alternative. Enjoy!
How is the progress in finding a new companion? I love your photos of Bear.
Keep me informed of your new sheepadoodle and welcome to the small group of us here at DK.
Yes, I can see that Bear was your heart dog. And Dexter was such a charmer. Your urn and foot print are perfect. I think you will enjoy your little sheepadoodle. Unfortunately, larger dogs have shorter life spans as we learned the hard way. Hondo died at 7 years of liver failure, Groucho Too at 8 years of cancer, and Copper at 9 years of a massive heart attack. But, we enjoyed those years with these special dogs. I guess you just need to think of the old saying, "It is better to have loved and lost than to never love at all." Your new love is on the way. Enjoy every minute.
Sorry for the loss of your special dogs. A heart dog is the dog that is forever in your heart, for ever and ever. I got my sheepadoodle from a great breeder in Washington state. I like to fly in and pick up my puppy, but she will also send by air and is very experienced at doing that. I see you are in Florida, so that is quite a trip to go pick up a puppy. There are good breeders everywhere so start checking them out if you are serious about a sheepadoodle.
Welcome to the Sheepadoodles group. I'm a little confused. Bear is a F1b goldendoodle, and Dexter is what? I think the F1b doodles are the best and they have such wonderful coats. Are you thinking about a sheepadoodle as a later companion for Dexter? I have had many doodles and my sheepadoodle is the latest. They are great dogs with a long puppyhood. Do you know about "heart dogs"? I am thinking that Bear is your heartdog. Hondo was mine and he was my first doodle.
Dearest Dexter,
My Aunt Sarah called mom the other day just to tell her that she saw your account on Instagram and thinks you are the most adorable and that you have the happiest face of any doodle she has ever seen. Mom and I agree.
Thank you!!! I thought Kona looked similar to Dexter as well :) Dexter is, by far, one of the cutest Doodles I've ever seen! Enjoy him!!
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