Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My family is going up to our cabin this weekend. I am so excited, because it will be the first big trip we have taken Darwin on. I kind of assumed since it's a rustic cabin... they would be okay with Darwin inside... NOT!

They told me he wasn't allowed in the cabin. Well, that is alright... I guess. There is a big porch and a wide open area that we could place his crate on. We will most likely be outside for most of the day, at the fire pit, by the pond, hiking, etc. They also said he could sleep with us inside, otherwise we wouldn't even consider it. 

My question... he is not on Frontline, because the vet has said that fleas and ticks are not common in our area. If we gave him Frontline today... would it be in effect by Sunday? Would the collar be enough to protect him? It is still freezing every night where our cabin is, and the highs are only around 55 every day. Is that too cold for Fleas and ticks to be abundant? 

Do you think it's safer to just board him, or should we just get a flea+tick collar, and deal with having to keep him outside the whole time? 

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I mean to say that fleas and ticks aren't common in SLC, UT where I live. The cabin is in Evanston, WY, which obviously is subject to fleas and ticks, and it's a heavily wooded area.
Boy, this is a tough one. I don't know anything about the flea & tick collars, but I have heard they can irritate their skin. I know they are not as effective as the topicals. The topical Frontline Plus starts working right away, and it is OTC, so that's what I would do, applying it tonight.
I can't help saying that I don't understand why Darwin can't be inside the cabin during the few daytime hours you'll be indoors, if he's allowed to be in there with you at night. I mean, how does that work? The minute you wake up in the a.m., you have to put him outside? I don't mean to be critical, I just feel bad for Darwin. I love him and I've never even met him; I can't understand how anyone else wouldn't feel the same, lol.
It would be so hard for me to have to keep Jack outdoors when I went in to eat, shower, whatever. I can't imagine having to give him his food out on the porch and then joining everyone else inside and leaving him out there alone. And I know he would be very confused and unhappy. If it's freezing outside at night, you're not going to want to be out there in the hours between dinner and bedtime, either. I guess you have to think about how comfortable you'll be knowing he's out there alone and if you would feel better and be able to enjoy yourself more if he were in boarding.
Camilla, if I lived closer, he could come here every single time you have a family vacation. No charge!
Karen, I don't understand it for all of the same reasons you don't. We work VERY hard to make sure Darwin is well groomed, clean and well behaved indoors. When I am with my family for vacations or holidays, I want him with me, as he is part of our family. My dad is VERY intolerant of dogs though... he won't even let us keep Darwin on a leash, on the tile, in his laundry room. Seriously. It is SO frustrating to stress about this EVERY time my family wants to do something with us. He is a great dog... but they don't seem to want to give it a chance. It's kind of a rough subject for me... because it makes me so sad. :-(

The main reason I'm worried is that I don't want to be unfair to Darwin, by making him be outside without us for large chunks of time. I do know he would enjoy himself on the hikes and things like that... but again, during dinner and dark hours... we may not be outside.

I don't mind boarding him, he will love the daycare and I feel comfortable with the facility. Of course, I'd rather him not have to sleep in an unfamiliar kennel, or pay for it! I would really rather have him with us, having fun in the mountains! If we do take him, I'll get the topical frontline like you suggested.

Why was I born into a family of dog-haters???
What a kind offer!
I know Peri would not like that at all. You know how these doodles are - they like to be by their humans as much as possible. Peri likes it outside, but only for a while and then stares at me until she can come back inside.

It sounds like the days would be so fun for him, so I hate telling you to board him, but I just think it will be hard having him outside everytime you are inside....

OR maybe your family will warm up to him on this trip?
I think you might be right about him enjoying the daycare. But I can't help but wonder if I shouldn't just put my foot down. you know, just bring him in, and force them to see that he isn't going to wreck anything.
Am I picking up that this is a family cabin and it is your family that is saying no he can't be in the cabin! (If I'm remembering correctly this was a problem once before and he ended up at your in laws home -- however, I do belong to the Over 50's Group, so I could be remembering that wrong and that was someone else) If in fact this is another family situation, I personally would not go ...... I'm pretty much a Love me, Love my Dog(s) type of person. If I went and boarded the girls I wouldn't have any fun, so no reason for me to go! Good Luck with whatever you decide to do.
Yes, that was me that posted before. It was about what to do for the Christmas holidays...
I personally would board him. I think you will spend a lot of time worrying if he's ok and if he's bothering your family. Can you find a boarding place that has daycare so he can have his own vacation playing with the other dogs? That's just my opinion :)
Yes, the place we board him does daycare. :-)
Why not get a tent? I have a 3 room one for when the dogs and I camp and they love staying in it. I take a blow up air mattress, sheets and down comforter just like home. With all your belongings in the tent Darwin wouldn't feel alone in the evenings, it would be your little home. When he's tired during the day he can go to the tent. In the 3 days you're there I'm sure the family will warm up to him as long as he doesn't come out of the pond and shake all over your dad! I'm always wet at our family cabin it's on a lake and I think Gus feels that I need to be wet too. Whatever you decide just enjoy your weekend.
I would board him. I think you will be worry-free doing this and it will avoid any conflict. I guess if your dad is the patriarch of the cabin, he gets to set the rules. The poor misguided man...



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