Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Our boy came home on Friday (the 9th). My daughter decided on naming him Otis (but we find that everyone just calls him Oat). He's been SO GOOD!? I'm worried that we are really "in for it " soon because he's been TOO good! Lol.
He sleeps through the night. After only 3 days, he started going to the door and whining when he wants to be let out. And, besides that, he just eats and lays around! Granted, I told the breeder I wanted a LAZY dog...but this seems too good to be true!? I almost feel like he hasn't "woken up" yet. Lol.

I've attached some pics but I'm on an iPad, so they are attachments. Sorry!
The first pic I included is my daughter and Otis. I walked into her bedroom last night to find her and her baby cuddled up, fast asleep! The sight of it made me realize that all of our time and money is worth every penny! They're so in love! :)
The second pic is a pic of our boy's face. I think his facial furnishings are looking pretty good? He's too cute!
The third pic shows what he does when he's not eating.....he lays around! Lol!

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Pic 1
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What a sweet pup! We must have gotten total opposites because my Gracie would not lie down like that with anyone. She's related to the Tazmanian Devil. ;)
Now, I'm second guessing not picking the lazy boy we saw when we got Gracie. My husband insisted we get the female. One of her brothers just layed there. I kept asking if he was ok. He was quite chunky too. But, I'm betting he was (or is) just like your boy! Lucky you! ;)

I'm hoping my girl settles down sometime. I'm worn out. :D

Sounds like you just got a mellow little fellow! Don't jinx it! LOL

Here are your pics. :-) My favorite is definitely the first!

What a cutie.
THANK YOU for putting the pics "in"!

Sooo adorable!  Cute picture with your daughter!

He's adorable!  Love the picture with your daughter and Otis...that's amazing.  Ours wouldn't cuddle like that at all!  That's wonderful for you and your family...enjoy.

So sweet

So cute!!! Congrats. Did you do any potty training before he started going to the door on his own?
Not really. We just took him out a lot (at least every 30 minutes---I'm kind of a neat freak about my floors and am paranoid about potty accidents so we went out a lot!). and would say "go potty!" Like I said, I think this all might be too good to be true! Lol. I'm waiting for the "ax to fall" as they say.

Otis is off the charts cute!  Our first doodle was the same and he is now 4 and still such a good boy!  Be thankful and enjoy this sweet boy.



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