Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Ever had a not-so-friendly response to your doodle?

I took our girl to the vet today and saw a couple with a couple of toy poodles. The lady started off by saying that Jamie needed a haircut. (I don't think that she does because she looks just like the other doodles on this site.) To sort of make small talk, I confirmed that the dogs they had were indeed poodles before I commented on how hers and mine can be distant relatives. She looks at Jamie, scoffs and says "Hmph, I don't think so!"

I was so surprised by her response that I wasn't quick enough to react the way I wanted to. We usually get compliments or at least curiosity about our doodle but nothing negative till today. I went home upset at myself for not being able to stand up for our Jamie. I know that she will not be registered by the AKC as a pure breed but we love her anyway.

Have you had any similar experiences? How have you handled them?

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HI Jaimiegirl, LIke Ann said, this was mild. YOu should have been around 6 years ago when whole groups were outright agressively rude. I would go to obedience class. People would not only not talk to me but would talk about me & my dogs, out loud to their dogs so I could hear. "Fido, we don't play with THOSE dogs!" In the tone of "they've got koodies". You think I'm kidding NOT. This is true & happened often. The trainer would call on dogs. "The golden forward. The collie forward, the poodle mix forward" I would stand there and say "you mean the Giant Schnoodle of Joy forward, don't you?" In order not to hold up the class the trainer would choke it out "Giiiaaaannntt sccccc cough cough schnoodle" Then we would happily move forward. Of course all my puppies won the obedience matches over the older dogs. That really drove them all nuts. But over the years we've received a certain degree of reluctant acceptance, recognition, even respect. And they've mostly stopped choking.I'd hate to choke a trainer longer than necessary! LOL PUppy love from Joy & furry folk
Your story reminds of a time when I was at a dog park with Jordan (she was maybe 6m) this guy was petting her ,loving her, telling how great my puppy was, and the whole time talking about how he HATES labradoodles....they nasty, mean, ugly, how could anyone spend that much for a mutt.....then he asked the words I was waiting to hear: What kind of Dog is your puppy?

I laughed and said Oh she is a Labradoodle! He walked away shocked...his wife mouthed sorry.
Sadly, yes, I have run into many people who are "breedists" - however, I have run into many many many more people who think my doodles are fabulous! I believe I'm even winning over the lady that owns the obedience school I go to .. but it's s-l-o-w! I agree with the earlier advice - IF you want to avoid unsolicited negative comments about your doodle, don't mention doodle. When I saw a golden or a poodle, I'd take Lucy up and say something like "hey, it's a relative" and begin to oohhhh and ahhhh over their dog (which one would think would soften them up a bit) but instead the reaction was often similar to the reaction you got. So, now I ohhhhhh and ahhhh over their dogs without the "relative" comment.

I appreciate the passion with which golden and poodle owner/breeders have for their breed. I just remind myself they are probably not aware of how they sound to us doodle people (call me pollyanna). I just refuse to let them steal my joy. Then I turn and kick their butts on the obedience class. Both Lucy and Rusty were the best dogs in their classes and were often used as examples to demonstrate a behavior - so there [sticking out tongue] Yeah, I'm mature! LOL
I guess donkeys aren't the only ( )( )
One lady called my dog a mutt, she was rude and passive aggressive. So, I gave her a taste of her own medicine. I just laughed and said "I love her so much, she's a wonderful dog" as if she told me that my dog was beautiful. That threw her off. Then, later in the conversation (after a couple nasty remarks about how Mutt-like my dog is. I commented on the color of her eyes and asked her if she was swedish... ackwardly she said yes, Swedish and Danish. I said, Oh, so you and my dog Sophie have something in common! Your both mutts! Good thing we're loved despite our nationality, huh? (As I'm petting my Sophie girl and telling her she's such a good girl) She did not know what to say! It was priceless. I ended it with "it was so nice talking with you, have a great day"!!!!!
ROTFLMAO - You are hilarious! I love that response! That is the very best possible zinger ever!
Sorry but if someone really does not like my dog, or my choice of dog, they can KMA, end of Dogs love everyone, no matter what, they are not selective with their love, and any real animal lover would love them back!!!!!
You go girl!
I live by the expression: WHAT YOU THINK OF ME(or my dog) .....IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS. Works for me everytime. :)
Most people who own pure breeds forget that all dogs are descended from the same basic early canine (most likely wolves). DNA evidence suggests that all dogs descend from a single East Asian gene pool. Just because their breed was constructed by man much earlier than doodles doesn't mean they are any better than our dogs (sometimes they are worse, health wise). It's not just pure breed owners who make nasty comments. I've heard nasty comments from rescue folks also (some are very rabid about folks rescuing, and any "designer breed" really gets their dander up). Sorry, got off topic there. Anyway, I often remind folks of why doodles were bred in the first place (guide dogs for the blind who are allergic to dogs). The rest of us just reap the benefits. :) I have to admit, that I've been lucky and have heard many more good comments than not so nice (knock on wood). Especially after Moose and Mica have loved on them. Ha! I've had Moose for over 3 years and we've never had a problem where we train. He does call us poodle mixes when he wants the entire group to go up front for an excercise, but he's not being mean about it. There are so many different doodle types in our class that it's just quicker. What's really funny is german sheperds were the majority when we first started and now I think doodles are the majority. I often wonder if this area is more tolerant because a famous local radio personality has doodles and made a big deal about it when he got his years ago.
I agree with you Sue. People can be cruel - thats why we love our dogs so much!!!! Good thing you did not lower yourself to the comment anyway.



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