Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I never seem to get a straight answer, if any, to this question. If checking lineage is not an option, are there any anatomical differences that make it a definite one or the other?

I've attached three pics. Can you tell me which is which?

Don't cheat! ;-)


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None of them look like PWDs to me. But it's hard to tell with the overgrown coats. And knowing the size & weight would help.
Cooper met a PWD the other week. he was much smaller than Cooper (shes a standard) and his owners said he often gets mistaken for a Labradoodle. Non of your pics look like he did, but the closest is no.1, but only because he had shorter fur
I am not sure. It's easy to tell when they are in their "traditional" hair cut but beyond that...
It's not easy to tell. My vet thinks that Callie is part PWD and I think Callie's a black goldendoodle. There is a PWD in my neighborhood (Polo - he's such a cutie) and there are MANY similarities, but the tail is (to me) a dead giveaway. PWDs don't seem to have the plumey tails you frequently see on the doodles.
I want to say number three is the PWD? You also have to remember that they do come in two different coats, the wavy and the curly. I think number two is two tight to be a PWD, but I don't think I have ever seen an overgrown PWD either :) If I keep my two's ear length clipped to the leather they both get mistaken for PWD's.
#1 is kind of small, but I'm guessing PWD. #2 PWD? I think #3 is an Australian Labradoodle.

I'm probably totally wrong....but that's my guess. When do we get the answers revealed? :o)
I think No. 1 is a doodle, No. 2 is a PWD, No. 3 is a doodle.
#3 is PWD--I am pretty sure I can tell cause of the ears (smaller).

#1 is a puppy, right, which makes it really hard to tell, but I would say doodle.
#2 is a poodle or doodle.
They all look like doodles to me too.
I am not sure either. Chewie has a PWD in his puppy class and none of these really look like him. He (Elliott) is a gorgeous dog with really shiny black fur. His fur is so soft and has a really nice curl to it.
Of the very few that I have met, all had docked tails ( I don't know if this is the norm ), all were shorter than Spud ( 25 "), all had stocky builds, and all had much broader skulls--almost bloated football shape. The coats were different but that is not saying much. Every doodle I have met seems to have a different coat.

I can't tell from the pictures.
Funny, I have never seen a Portie with a docked tail..... I thought the breed standard was undocked. This was a breed I had considered before I got my doodle ;)



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