Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I did so much research on what breed of dog to get, I was shocked when I started getting attacked for being ignorant. As soon as some people hear I have a doodle they go on a rant about not buying designer dogs, how he is nothing but a good for nothing cross breed, you shouldn't pay money for a cross breed, I should have done more research, etc. I feel so frustrated because I considered both purebred and crossbred dogs in my search, and did extensive study on the Goldendoodle breed. Yes, I know they are a cross breed. (I do not feel that only purebreds are worth money. That is ridiculous! A worth of a dog should not be determined by pedigree) I also know that they can be unpredictable as far as shedding, size, temperament, etc. I try to calmly explain this to them but it's as though I have morally offended people. Do you get the same response from some people for "buying into the designer dog craze"? How do you respond?

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I've had people refer to Baker as a mutt & I just laugh. First of all, why do they care & why do they think you should care about their opinion? I'm a grandma now & the one thing I can say that's great about getting older is that it's actually OK to do things that make sense to you & know that you don't owe anyone an explanation. I, like you, used to think I had to explain to people for their's much better if you just ignore them. You'll never convince them anyway :) Good luck :)
What a true response. Your thinking is a variation on my theme that one of the good things about getting older is not caring much what people think. My family thought I was crazy to get a second dog but I realized that I had thought it through and could do what i thought best. also, at a certain age you get to "If not now when?" Doodles are great and if others don't want them they should not get them.
I am in total agreement! Definitely getting older has it's perks - 'Personally my dear Scarlett, I just don't give a damn'! Yes, I get insulted and I want to choke them but in the end, they are the ignorant ones. They just have no clue how fantastic our Doodles are!
I can't remember--maybe it just my age : ) -- anyone being nasty when I tell them what the dogs are. Most often they offer compliments or bring someone else over to see them.
I can so relate to your response, exactly how I feel.
Camilla, I think I've seen others express similar experiences. You are definitely not alone. I know many doodle owners have encountered similar reactions from people. I'll try to find and post the link to those discussions about this topic because they might be helpful.
Ask them nicely if they own a wolf......if they say "No"....then they have a cross breed also, LOL!
Great idea!
Just let them be. I wouldn't want idiots like that to own a doodle anyway. So it's better they don't understand how wonderful they are. That's my opinion. Obviously you know what's up, and they don't.
I guess I'm lucky...nobody has ever said this to me. Maybe they just don't get a chance, because I'm so busy telling everyone about what a fantastic breed our Doodles are. They may be thinking it, but I guess they know how I would react if they said would get ugly! LOL
This is the first dog for my husband and myself. We have both had dogs in the past and also other marriages :) I personally have rescued so many dogs and cats during my lifetime that I have lost count, so I do consider I have "done my part". I currently also own four cats (rescued) so I feel I am still "doing my part". When we decided to get a dog I wanted another standard poodle (I have rescued three in the past) and my husband wanted a labrador. We went around and around on it and then one day, we saw a labradoodle at a local fair. Upon inquiring as to "what breed of dog is that"? There ended our "war of the roses" and it was into research for our four-legged baby. It has now been 3 months since Frankie entered our lives and all I can say is this truly is the best dog I have ever owned and those people that make those very "ignorant" comments regarding the "designer" status of Frankie are just jealous and I agree...they do not deserve to own such a wonderful breed as our DOODLES....
I usually tell people that Jack is a Slovakian Slobhound. Or a Poodlador...depends on my mood.



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