Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I just read in an article that many people are choosing 'people' names for their dogs now.  Years ago people chose "dog names" such as Rover, Rex, Blackie and Fido.  Now, the trend is for 'people' names.  The article stated the reason for this was because we are now thinking of our dogs more as family members than 'pets'.  So, did you give your dog a 'person name'?  With Tori, it was more of a word we chose because of the meaning of it.  Then we liked it even more because it sort of was like a play on words... Tori sounded like the then NY Yankee manager , Joe Torre.... So we didn't actually choose Tori because it was short for Victoria, but worked out in our favor since she NOW IS considered one of the family...A bit more hairier,  four legs, tail, and all!

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No people names for my boys....just beer names.  I wonder what that means?
LOL.. That works for ME, Jane!

My kids have superhero god names. Hercules (the strongest of the Olympian gods) was pre-named when I got him. Since he was already a year old and the name totally suited him, I didn’t change it and am glad I didn’t because many people say, “I can see how Hercules got his name.” He’s a huge guy. Sometimes I call him my miniature Holstein cow.

On my recent adoption, I traveled to the poodle rescue in SC to pick out a Chowdoodle puppy from a litter of three males and two females. Before arriving, I decided I wanted a male and would name him Zeus (King of the Olympian and God of the Sky, Thunder, and Wisdom) because he is Hercules’ father and a very intelligent Chow Chow I once knew was named Zeus. Well, come to find out, the three male pups were pre-named Apollo, Zeus, and Thor. Go figure - coincidence or fate? I actually chose Thor, but changed his name to Zeus after the adoption so that it didn’t mess up their medical records and paperwork.

I would have kept the name Thor, but it rhymed with too many other words, like door, more, sore, four, bore, core, pour, wore, tore, etc. I could just envision being in a room filled with people using these words simultaneously in conversations and my poor puppy running back and forth from one person to another, thinking they were all calling his name. So, I felt it best to avoid him this confusion.

We have always named our dogs people names until Kona. We love Hawaii and he was black as the lava on the Big Island. Oddly, we don't like his name as well as some of our other dogs' names like Dudley, Earle and Owen. After we got Owen and named him, we wished we had named Kona, Oliver... too late. We love him to bits. We like dog/people names we would never consider for a person.
With dogs you don't have to consider if the other kids will tease them because of their name so you can go ahead with that name  that you just love but could never give to a kid!
Ooo.. Bonnie - I partial to Kona.. love the coffee and we will be going to Hawaii in 11 days!!!

Lachlan is of Irish origin, but a fairly common name in Scotland and Australia. I had a friend in Australia for many years with that name, and I love the sound of it. In the past I've had Christopher, Scott, Jessie, Heather and Fern, Kyle, and Emma Jean.

My next doodle boy will be Declan, another Irish name (I bet you saw next doodle coming *grin*) unless he's a she, in which case she'll be Ceilidh (pronounced Kay-lee).

not sure I would ever name my human child Bandit, but I guess I could.... LOL
Ah... these days, I think anything goes! We have a friend, who has a friend who's son's name is Grey River
I knew a woman who named her son Levi Gene. Their last name has Tahl (pronounced tall). He is probably in therapy by now.
ROFL.. THAT is one MEAN mom!  Either that or he is a sweat pants kind a' guy now!
Hopefully he is in sweats rather than therapy! I like that!!



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