Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Ok Amante has eaten , pooped and peed but he is gagging up mucous. I am really freaking out.  Last time I had a dog and didn't follow my instincts I had a horrible result. I need voices of reason what do I do!!

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All fingers and paws crossed over here ... how's Amante doing this morning?

My daughter's Rhodesian Ridgeback had kennel cough soon after her vaccination.  Hers had the phlegm and turned into pneumonia so she had to go in to the vet twice to receive subcutaneous fluids and went on medication.  Nothing to take lightly.  Hope you are at the vet now or back with good news!

Thanks Nancie, you just reminded me I needed to bring more needles and syringes home for giving subq fluids if they get sick. I always have them onhand just in case.

Just seeing this post, hope Amante is feeling better this morning and will be checking back for an update.

Just checking in on Amante! Any update?? Hope he is doing better today!

How's the little guy doing???  I am worried!

I stayed up holding more doodle in the recliner all night! He and I were miserable! I took him to the vet this afternoon! The roads were horrible. My vet is 30 minutes away on a good day. I was trying to keep from sliding all over. I was instructed to go to the side door and to carry him ( good thing he only weighs 23.7 pounds) ! They checked him over and yes he had a fever 102.9 and Kennel cough. The DR said his lungs sounded clear and fine. It was just in his throat. The Dr prescribed antibiotics and Robitussin DM for coughing fits. He is ok and resting. I gave him medicine  and he himself went into his crate and went to sleep so i closed the door so kids would leave him alone.  I am still nervous, I have a hard time trusting the Doctors. I had a bad experience with last vet. I wan to be confident but it is hard. I have a friend who train for Leader Dog of the blind and she goes there and highly recommended them. I trust her so I go there. He is playful, he just starts haking like he is smoking cigrettes when no one is watching. I am hoping we both sleep like babies tonite! Thank you EVERYONE for answering me last night and inquiring about us today! I LOVE MY DK friends, You are all awesome!!

Whew, so relieved to hear from you! Poor fella (and poor you), definitely sounds like kennel cough ... and if so, your vet did exactly right with the antibiotics and R-DM. It's not fun, but the Robitussin will make him feel a bit stoned (been there, done that) and it should clear up pretty quickly. Sleep long and deeply when you do ... both of you!

I have a question I remember buying Robitussin for the family and it was one bottle for everyone. I went to buy some for Amante and saw they had Adult version and a child version. I used the child version for Amante. When did they change that making two version!!!

I have not heard of giving human cough meds to dogs. I would just give him antis and see how he does.

I'm not sure when they made that change, Rose Ann. When it was prescribed for my dogs 20 years ago (for kennel cough) there was only one choice! I would have done the same thing you did and bought the child version. How's he (and you!) feeling today?

Wow!  I am sooo glad you went to the vet!  Sometimes (like with real babies), it is so hard to know what to do.  I sure hope you all get some good long sleep tonight & hopefully he's on the mend.  I would feel confident that the vet is doing the right thing because your friend trusts this vet AND because everyone on DK told you & they were RIGHT!  What smart people we have here; we are so fortunate for this DK community.



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