Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

please help! we are looking for a breeder near delaware. we would love to get a dark colored goldendoodle asap. our beautiful sandy died on christmas day.

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I am so sorry about your losing Sandy. Christmas was just 2 days ago, it must weigh heavy on your heart to lose her.
I'm really so sorry about Sandy. You must be heartbroken. How old was your Doodle? Was this a sudden thing? I don't know Breeders in your area, but I'm sure with the help of DK you'll find a wonderful new Doodle to love.
Christine, I'm so terribly sorry to hear of the loss of your Sandy. It must be a terrible shock to you, especially if it was a sudden thing. Had she been ill?
I know you are feeling such an emptiness that you urgently want to fill by bringing another dog into your life; I have been there. But I think you need to take some time to grieve and to carefully research breeders before you rush into making an emotional decision that you will have to live with for 12-15 years.
You will find a lot of caring people here on DK who can advise you, and a lot of support as you grieve for Sandy. Sending sympathy and hugs to you and your family.
So Sorry to hear about Sandy. Please fill us in if you care to talk about it. I can recommend a very caring and wonderful breeder who will ship to you from Michigan. April Cliber of Cliberdoodles. She is one of the recommended breeders on DK.
She just had a litter the day after Christmas and I'm not sure if all are spoken for, but please do yourself a favor and check her out if you are at all open to having a puppy shipped and waiting 8 weeks.
I am so sorry for your loss. What a difficult Christma for you :-(
I do agree with Karen about waiting a short time however. You definitely don't want to make a hasty choice about breeders as there are lots of questionable 'breeders' out there. Please read our article on what to look for in a contains helpful lists of breeders too:
So sad to hear about Sandy. How old was she? I know if ANYTHING ever happened to my sweet Timbow I would not even be able to look at another dog for quite some time. You should take some time, do some good research and give Sandy the proper grieving time that she deserves.
I'm so sorry to hear about Sandy! What an upsetting Christmas you must have had. Give yourself some time. I know when we had to put our Golden down, it took quite a while before we decided to get another. But then I think we waited a bit too long (years), If it wasn't for my kids I probably would have never known the joy of having a dog in our lives again! I am sure you will know when the time is right for YOU and you will find th perfect puppy. Funy how things usually work out like that.
My deepest sympathy, my the new year find you a perfect pup who will help fill the void, and may Sandy rest in peace.
I'm so sorry for your loss. We got Dexter from Delaware Doodles which may be near you. They breed labradoodles (not goldendoodles), but I know they have 2 older puppies left from their most recent litter.
I am so sorry for your loss.....
I am so sorry for your loss. We lost our 2 dogs this October but enjoyed our first Christmas with our goldendoodle. I know that no dog can replace a much loved friend but another dog can fill the empty spot with his own personality and love. I hope you find your next special friend quickly so you can remember Sandy with love while enjoying the thrill of puppiness.



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