Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Oliver is now 5 mos old and he hasn't had an accident in the house in about 3 weeks now. He doesn't bark to let us know he has to go, he sort of goes to the back door, and stands there and gives me a look. I sort of know his schedule for pooping, so it hasn't been a problem. BUT about an hour ago I smelled something, walked in the den, and saw a pile of poop.!!!!...I freaked and yelled at him...He knew exactly why I was angry and he ran away from me, and was watching from behind a chair while I cleaned it up...He hung his head and has been lying on his favorite mat, chewing his chew, and very quiet...Did I do wrong by yelling at him and sort of pushing his nose in it? ( I actually didn't press his nose in it)...I am not sure what to do when this happens?...Thanks, Cheryl

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I am going to look for this book...Thank you...Now I feel so guilty, I could cry....We have had dogs for 30 yrs, and I haven't had a puppy in about 25 yrs, so this was all new to me again...Thanks for the advice....
I agree with Lauren, they do not know what yelling is at them about something that didn't happen at that very moment. And I don't think the pushing his nose towards the poo helps/means anything either. Since he doesn't bark when he wants out, I would suggest getting a bell and hang on the door and teach him to ring it when he has to go out. At least it would alert you to his need to go out. Other people use this method and it seems to work for them. Good Luck
We did try the bells, from day one of training. He refuses to use them, I have tried to get him to hit the bells with his nose, or even his paw and he won't do it...In fact he backs away from them...Oh how I wish he would use them...He is such a sweet love, a little devilish, but just such a great dog, and we adore him...I just feel so guilty right now I could cry for yelling at him...I knew better, but I guess I just lost it...Cheryl
Gotta love the bells, Neely learned in one day. Sometimes he uses it just to get the door open for a play too. He only had accidents when he was sick and tryed to get from the bell ringing door to another door before losing it.
Hi Lorraine, we have tried the bells from day one of trainng, he just will not use them, infact he backs away from them, rather then go near them....Like I have said previously, I feel so guilty now....But he is loving me just the same now, lol, so I guess he is over it...We just love this dog, goofy as he is, he is soooo smart and I just love his face...
Thanks for taking the time to answer
Cheryl - don't beat yourself so bad. We all lose it once in awhile. Thats the great thing about dogs. They always forgive - no questions ask - never holding a grudge. I think your puppy will have a few more accidents too before completely trained. Lucy is now 7 months and hasn't had one in about a month and then a month before that but it happens - they're puppies. Incidently, the bells did work with my first doodle, Fergie, but not at all with Lucy - but she's very vocal - so need. I bet you by the time she's 8 or 9 months your puppy will be telling you somehow that she's got to go out.
And thats what is so wonderful about dogs, they love you regardless, and always forgive as u say...Just 20 min ago I fed him dinner and shortly thereafter he was at the back door giving me that look...Sure enuf, I took him out and he peed and pooped, lol, so I guess with this one I have to watch for the look, lol...Thanks for your reply..
They are all different. One of mine will whine or give a short bark when he needs to go out. The other one just looks at me from near the door of whatever room we're in. you can even feel a bit guilty for yelling when you catch them in the act. Recently my younger dog was urinating all over and I kept telling her she was being bad. It took me awhile to realize she had a bladder infection.
well he is sort of my baby, lol, but he gave me that look and out we went and he peed and pooped, right now he is lying on my feet, he is now too big for my lap, lol, it is hard to see him as a baby when he is so tall, big, and he is only 5 mos old!!!!!...but when we lay down on the bed he loves to curl into my husband and me for belly rubs...(.all 41 lbs. of him as of last week)I am sure he is 50 lbs by now, lol, ...thanks again....Cheryl
Our dood at the age of 5 mths also just sort of stood at the door to the backyard to go out. I was very aware of this most of the time and I do not recall any accidents. But- if they gotta go- they have to do it somewhere. Yes it is annoying when they poop on the floor-but he must not have been able to help it. I know what you mean about getting angry-but when you think about it, he may have tried to let you know and just couldn't hold it. He is still a baby. Anyway-that was not the point that I was replying to make. I think it was when Thomas was about 6 1/2 mths old. that I heard this quick bark in another room. He had never really barked much so I hurried to see what the problem was. He was standing at the back door so I let him out and he peed and had a Poop. Well I was so shocked tht he had barked to let me know and also relieved. Now at 11 mths old, he barks at us when he wants water, wants to go out, is all tied up on his long leash out the front, when he wants the window down in the car etc etc. It is like he is speaking to us. He is quite a character. So my point is that as your sweet baby matures, he will find a way to let you know all of his desires. Good luck with that.
thanks Debbie, I appreciate the response, and he is still a baby, although I did notice a big improvement form 4mos to 5 mos. I am hoping he does what Thomas did and will bark to let us he gets older. He is not a barker, so I too would go running if he barked, lol, thanks again...
FWIW, I've had dogs my whole life and rescued/fostered several dogs during the puppy/housetraining stage. My opinion is that if the pile happened recently, the dog knows he did it and you need to address it. If you don't address it, it may happen again & how could you blame him since he didn't get corrected for doing it before? I drag my dog to the mess & show it to him (probably like you did) and say "No! Bad. Outside." Then I take the pile and the dog and dump it outside saying "go potty - outside!" and then give him a reassuring pat to let him know the event is over.

If the pile happened more than 30 - 45 minutes prior, it is probably too late to do anything. Puppies have short attention spans and, I'd imagine, short memories. My adult dogs will know when they've been bad and slink through the room until I go looking for whatever they think they've done wrong.

I've always taught my dogs to "speak" when they want outside. My 6 month old goldendoodle comes and stares at me or tries to climb up in my lap when he needs out.



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