Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Nothing major - I just washed it and put first aid ointment on it.  The dog that bit me (of three Puggles - I'm not sure which one) is up to date on shots so I'm not worried.  It was so strange - I've always heard that you should never jump into the middle of a dog fight but when that dog(s) went after my baby - I never took time to even think.  I ran about 15 feet and literally took a flying tackle onto Stuart and kept right on rolling taking all 70 lbs of him with me and out of harms way.  During the leap and roll one of the Puggles chomped into my thigh.  In an ironic twist I didn't have on my usual outfit - a tennis or golf skirt - I actually had on running tights to below my knee - saved me from a worse injury, plus cellulite is hard to puncture.  I've never trusted those Puggles and now know that my gut instinct was correct.  One of them attacked Stuart over a ball and the rest jumped in.  The owners feel bad but nobody actually saw it get started so they aren't going to accept any real blame, and all I know is that Stuart is so gentle and unassertive but when attacked he went into defense mode to protect himself, a real 1st.  It WAS a stupid move on my part but without thinking I was willing to do whatever it took to protect him just on instinct.  I think tomorrow that I'm going to be sore from head to toe.

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Oh Jane! That looks painful! I'm glad you went to the doctor and are being careful with the wound. So sorry.

DANG, Jane!  This looks really've got some lovely shades of purple going on there...

I don't think I would have been as nice to the owner as you were...just saying....

Owwwie! Hope it heals fast. What a jerk that owner is.

Oh that looks terrible today.  The puggle owner should at least ask if there have been medical costs and offer to pay or at least split them!

Hi Jane...just checking in with is that wound from the dog bite?  I hope you are healing well.

Ouch that looks painful!  I probably would have done the same thing to protect my Maddie girl.

No balls or toys are allowed in our dog park.



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