Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi everyone, I'd like to introduce my new mini goldendoodle, Norman. He is about 12 weeks old, his dad was a mini red poodle, and his mom was a beautiful golden. He is very well behaved! We have had him for a week, and yesterday was our first day 'accident free' in the house! I have a couple questions if anyone would like to offer some advice that would be great!

1. He really likes sleeping under our couch (its rosewood and he fits under it comfortably, but sometimes he hits his head when hes trying to get comfortable underneath, is this normal or is he doing it for a specific reason?)

2. We have read a lot of different things about how much to feed the pup, I put a fair amount into his bowl (a large size handful) after I take him out for a pee at around 7 am, then if he finishes that I refill it  once more throughout the day, and then I take away the food/water 1.5 hours before bedtime, does this sound alright?

3. He really likes to run off leash at a local park, he will sit and say and I'll back up quite a ways, then kneel down and call him, and he comes running, is doing this once a day for 20 minutes enough activity? He's pretty sleepy often and is well behaved in the house, and his day is sprinkled with pee walks, about every 1.5 or 2 hours. 

4. We are opening up a retail store, the space is about 1000 square feet so there will be lots of room for him to wander, and we intend him to the shop dog, because I work full time at an office, and my partner will be working full time at the store, we have socialized him really well over the first week, introducing him to new people, bringing him new places, and he seems like a very social dog, does anyone have any experience with having a doodle as a 'shop dog?' He will only be there about 4-5 hours a day.

5. Norman has hardly left my side since we got him, and I have to return to work soon, how do I help him prepare and adjust to being home alone for a couple of hours at a time? Is leaving him alone after we have had him for 2 weeks too soon?

Thanks for all of your advice in advance! I grew up with a Pomeranian in the house and he never got very well trained and has temperament issues, possibly because I had a large family (6) so we were all teaching him different things, I just want Norman to grow up to be the perfect lil pup I know he can be!

P.S. Does anyone have any insight to what he will look like when he grows older? The suspense is killing me! I'm wondering how 'doodley' he will get because he looks very much like a golden at the moment!

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Congratulations on your pup.

Regarding feeding, every food has a different calorie content and therefore the amount will vary from one food to another. Check the bag for guidelines.Feeding amounts also depend on the age and weight of the puppy. 

Young puppies should be fed three times per day if possible. Leaving food in the bowl so that the dog can "graze" whenever he wants to (otherwise known as free feeding) will make housebreaking harder and encourages picky eaters. Put the appropriate amount of food in the bowl at each meal, give the pup 15-20 minutes to eat, and then take the food away until the next scheduled feeding time. 

Excellent! Thanks for the info, I'll switch him over to 3 times a day for 20 minutes! 

Drooling here, what a cutie!

Welcome to DoodleKisses - the best site for doodle lovers everywhere.  Norman is a darling little dog and I think the perfect size.  He looks more like a golden right now, but that can change.  I have a large goldendoodle (F1b, 30 inches, and 85 pounds) and a smaller ALD (50 pounds) and although I just love them both, I have to admit the smaller dog is a better size.  I also had a 105-lb labradoodle.  You can meet them all at the photos on my page.

In answer to some of your questions, yes, I think it is normal for dogs to find a comfortable crawly space, and that my change over time.  My ALD loves to lay on his back behind the sleeping pad in our bedroom with his feet up in the air.  He loves little spaces to crawl into.  About feeding, we prefer to feed pups three times a day and then reduce to two times when they reach full size.  Don't leave their food out.  When you put out a feeding, give them some time to eat it and then put away anything left over until the next feeding.  They should not get into the habit of browsing.

It sounds like you are doing everything else right.  I would take some short trips and leave him at home so he gets used to it before you leave him at home alone.  A couple of hours should be fine, but decide where you want him to stay while you are gone from the house.  Crates are fine, but I always preferred baby playpens.  My dogs were never allowed to be free in the house when we were not at home.  There is just too many things they can get into (or destroy).  Twelve weeks is a little young, but you may want to consider doggie day care for later on.  The dogs usually love it and you will feel much better about leaving him.

He is soooo cute!

Welcome to you and Norman. He is very cute. Enjoy him

What a cutie pie!  Just darling.  Quincy used to crawl under the rails of my chair but then got too big.  Once he knocked the chair over getting out from under, he now just lays by my feet. 

Enjoy him! 

Welcome!  Norman is such cutie!  Sounds like you're a very caring and attentive parent, and I'm sure you'll do just fine.  :)

What a cutie! His hair seems to be straighter, but you really don't know how he is going to end up. My Auggie started very straight-coated (and I was worried). He is still not curly, but there is definitely some doodle hair on him. :-) Feel free to look at my pictures.

I think you are a great doodle mom and Norm will be just fine staying home for a couple of hours alone. I would use a crate. It's really hard to get a new puppy and then not being with him all the time. I totally understand.

I don't have an experience with "shop dog", but my dream is to open a retail store and have my boys there. I've been to several stores (ranging from pet food to car dealership) where there was a dog present. I would think socializing Norman and then obedience training should do the trick. He sure is adorable!

I would love to hear more about your store.

Your Norman is beautiful he is like our Billie girl we are also curious as to how her coat will develop,
Forward to watching him grow, Billie has just turned 12 weeks today, she is great at asking to go outside
And a bit of a lunatic on the walks but getting better she just loves when people walk past wants to lick them
To death. Norman just sounds gorgeous
I forgot to mention when we first got Billie I had a week off work then had to return, we started a few short trips to get used
To us not been at home, first attempt she howled for about 5 mins then settled as we were able to watch without her seeing us, kept doing this, now it's been three weeks and she is great all the best

Congratulations and welcome!  Norman is adorable!  Don't worry about him hitting his head - he'll stop that soon enough.  I envy you having a shop dog!  Everyone has given you good advice about feeding, etc., so I won't repeat.  Just enjoy him!



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