Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Please forgive me for this rant but I am so sick of hearing some version of this story (as I did yet again today) that I could scream.  No, I could cry.  I almost did.

Lady on the street: “Your dog is beautiful, how old is he?”

Me: “Thank you, he just turned two.”

Lady: “Was he hyper as a puppy and has settled down as he aged?”

Me: “He has never been hyper, but was quite active and liked to put his mouth on everything as a pup.”

Lady: “I have a one year old labradoodle and she is sooo hyper.  I am hoping she will grow out of it.”

Me: “Have you done any training classes with her?”

Lady: “We went to one, but I don’t think it did any good. Your dog walks so nicely how do you do it?”

Me: “Lots of practice.  He gets at least two 45 min walks per day.  Which by the way really helps keep him calm.”

Lady: “We have kids, so really don’t have time to walk her.”

Me: “Oh.”

Now I am mad at myself that I did not say more (not that it would help) and again I feel worried that this will be a dog that is given up shortly.  That is the part that makes me want to cry.  No dog is perfect.  Some in fact arrive with issues that are extremely difficult to deal with.  I understand that.  But part of the joy and responsibility of having a dog is spending time with it.  Walking. Training.  Along the way they learn and so do we.  Okay, thanks for listening. 

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Amen to this.

The exercise requirements for large sporting breeds are available to anyone who does his homework. No training and no time even for walks. How is this young retriever mix, whose ancestors were bred to hunt and run for hours, supposed to burn off her energy?

But if she doesn't sit around like a couch potato, she's hyper. There must be something wrong with the dog.

Makes me crazy, too.

I know we don't all agree on the value of Cesar Milan and his wisdom, however I must give him credit for opening up the eyes of the nation to the fact that dogs need exercise and mental stimulation and you need to meet their needs in these areas if you want to have a chance at a good dog.
Even I can agree on that!
LOL we just got this same thing when we were on vacation with both of our doods last week (who we put much blood, sweat, and tears into training to walk nicely on leash).  They said the same thing about how they have kids so they don't have time to train......(first of all, I almost take it as an insult, since I don't have kids yet and can't POSSIBLY know what they are experiencing) But anyway....... wouldn't logic suggest to kill 2 birds with one stone and have the kids run around with the dogs and tire EVERYONE out??!!  I just don't get it....dogs (and kids for that matter) are a choice to have and if you can't handle them, then make another choice!!
I would think the same thing.  Don't you want to get your children out for a walk and some running around in the park for proper exercise each day? 
The kid excuse p***** me off. I don't have kids yet, but I can tell you that my dogs will still be a big part of our life and I will not love them any less. I know the human kid may take priority, but I will not neglect my dogs.  You can forget it.  AND SHOOT ME IF I END UP LIKE THAT.  Shoot me.
You make me laugh!  I could never shoot you Allyson.  Maybe a little tap upside the head though ;)

You made me laugh too, Allyson.

We can't shoot you, but JD will come over and bite you on the butt! LOL

I'm going to post a link to this the next time someone complains about rescues being picky with their requirements.
Lady: “We have kids, so really don’t have time to walk her.”
Geez, Karen, doesn't DRC have a ready supply of Doodles that are just perfect for kids?  You know, the kind that just lay around all day and HATE exercise of any kind.  The ones who love it when kids pound on their heads and pull their tails...and smile and wag those tails while all this is going on.  Oh, and of course no shedding because there could be allergies and we wouldn't have time to vacuum more than once a week....cause we're really busy with the kids.  And do they come fully trained so they can show the kids all the great tricks they know.  They need to walk really well on leash, because once in a while the kids want to take them to the park to show them off to all their friends.  And don't forget the soccer games....this Doodle would have to be able to lay quietly looking very cute at the sidelines, and not react even when that soccer ball is kicked right at them.  Please be sure the dog is boundary trained too, because the kids often leave the door wide open as they're coming and going, and we wouldn't want our Doodle to run out....we just don't have time to chase a dog like that, and the kids would be very upset if anything happened to him.  DRC has lots of dogs like that, right?
No, but we have all the ones who lived in that house before they got dumped for not meeting expectations. :(



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