Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am so shook up I can barely type. We were out on our a.m. walk when suddenly this dog got out of his yard and attacked JD. I had to drop his leash, he was trapped. JD put up a fight but he's handicapped by his ruptured disc, and he fell. The other dog was over him down on the ground, I was screaming and trying to kick the other dog, I don't even know exactly what happened, my brain just shut down and it's a blur, it all happened so fast, but the dog was off of him by the time the owners came out. I was mostly worried about JD's back and didn't even know he was bitten until we got home. He has a puncture wound with a tear under his eye (thank God he missed the eye itself) and a big scrape across the top of his head. We're just back from the ER. They cleaned it and gave me pain meds and antibiotics...just what he needs with his IBD. I may not give him the pain meds, but I have to give him the amoxicillin, which is certain to upset his stomach. And I have to apply warm compresses to the wound under his eye several times a day for a few days so it doesn't scab up too fast. I am so upset I'm shaking. That dog got out of that yard so fast and so easily, they may as well not even have had a fence. 

Going to pick up his amoxicillin now. Poor JD. 

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That's awesome that he took responsibility.  So sorry about JD!  The poor guy...that's all he needed (NOT), more reasons to visit the vet.

Well, good news! 

I was at the vet's not long ago when a man came in to check on how a dog in surgery was doing.  Turns out this man's dog had attacked the dog in surgery while they were at the dog park, both dogs went after the same ball and it ended in a serious fight.  This man did the right thing too--he was there to take care of the bill, and also just to check on the other dog's condition.

Isn't it nice to know there are good people in this world, lol? Anyone can make a mistake, it's what you do after that that speaks volumes about you. 

Absolutely, Karen.

YAY! I'm just logging into DK for the first time today and catching up. I couldn't believe it when I saw this post. I was reading through all the comments just hoping I'd get to a comment like this. How great of them rightfully taking ownership of the situation.

They said it won't happen again so I'll be curious to see what types of preventive measures they will be taking at their home and/or training with their dog.

So glad to hear JD is ok! What a trooper!  ::HUGS::

Thanks, Star! 

That's wonderful news and so refreshing to hear! An apology and act of good will goes a long way in my book.  

Just reading this--I'm reading from last to first, nothing new with me. How nice.

Such good news, Karen! I love when people do the right thing.

That's good news.

Oh, no!  I'm so so sorry to hear this, Karen!  Hope JD will recover nicely, and that you will too. 

Another thing I hate about this happening is it sure won't help JD any when on leash around other dogs.  That's one of my regrets for Trav--he's been charged and snarled at enough by other dogs so that when he's on leash and thus feeling confined he'll often lunge first now.  He's never been seriously bitten, though, thank gawd.  Just those fairly minor lunging and tangling incidents scared the h### out of me, so I can just imagine how shaken you must feel.


Thanks, Pat. This is one of my fears, too. I stopped using his harness recently because it was chafing a couple of large lipomas, and we have been doing well with just his buckle collar, but I wouldn't have much control if this caused him to revert to his reactiveness again. 



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