Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


I have never been a super frequent poster, but always a frequent reader! When we got Winnie nearly 5 years ago she was a full fledge Land Shark with all of her puppy nipping. I had searched the Internet trying to find advice on what to do, and I came across this site. You all literally saved my sanity!

Life moves along so quickly, and our dogs are now 5, 5 1/2 and 3 years old. I'm saddened by the fact that when I retire 11 years from now, the likelihood is that none of them are going to be with us. There will be another dog (or 2, or 3!) taking their spot and keeping life fun and interesting!

I will always be a "lifelong learner" both personally and professionally. And, I'm glad that this place exists where I can pop in, maybe search a topic, and read. For some reason, I'm in a bit of sentimental stage right now, and wanted everyone to know how much you mean to me, even though I have never met any of you. Thanks for your wisdom!



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What a nice post, Lori! Thank you!  

Thank YOU, Karen, for advice on food and being so instrumental in guiding me through the rehome's of Bob and Indie!

I have the same special fondness for them that I have for the DRC dogs I've helped to place. With all the heartbreak you see in rescue, when a good dog finds a home like yours, it is very special and very gratifying.

Lori, I feel that I know you as well as Winnie, Bob and Indie - I remember when you discussed names, was that for Bob? I also feel a strong connection to the members here and wish they were still posting as much as in the old days.  This format is much more conducive to real discussions, separating people's experiences from facts - both are valuable, but being able to follow a discussion and figure it out, is so valuable. 

Yes, Nancy, that was Bob! :-) "Bauer" never did fit him... he is definitely a Bob. Happy go lucky Bob. Hard to believe that he has been with us for nearly 3 years now! I can't imagine life without our pack....

Lori, I am not a frequent poster either as many things have changed over the years. But its still the best place I know to get the best advice!

I agree Nancy! I wish we still had the chats. I looked forward to that at night. It just seems that this is a place to form bonds with people whereas on FB people just want to argue.

Nice post, Lori. I try and pop in on DK as often as I can. I miss the fun we used to have...but still like to check things out. 

Thanks - I love this sight too.  It feels a bit like "coming home". everyone is so helpful.



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