Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So, as I'm looking thru hundreds of photos here on DK, I noticed that the lighter and white colored doodles will often have brown staining around their mouth. Some pics I wasn't sure if it just looked darker because their mouth was wet from drinking?  I was looking at one particular dog's pics and in some his face didn't have the staining and then in others it was quite noticeable. My question is, is this a permanent thing that all light colored dogs get?  Is it avoidable? Does it go away and then return? Does it just happen from them always playing outside and in the dirt?  Some dogs get it so bad it looks like they've been eating dirt and poo. My Gumbo is going to be light colored, so I was just curious as to how to avoid this from happening or is it unavoidable?


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It's not just light colored dogs, in black dogs, it takes the form of reddish or rust colored staining. It helps to keep the beard and mustache trimmed and dry, (wash/wipe muzzle after eating or drinking) and avoid using plastic bowls, but sometimes it's unavoidable. 

Thanks Karen! Will do

Trav is a darker color, and has still darker areas on his face, around his mouth.  On him, it looks okay--even natural.

I think initially we cleaned their beards with vinegar or lemon juice. That got old and we just dealt with it. If it really annoys you, it is not that hard to clean.

Thanks. I just didn't know if there something you had to start as a pup to prevent it. I have no idea what im doing since this is my first dog to ever own. Want to get it right :)

On a sort of related note...Riley's leg was shaved when she had a broken leg as a little pup. The vet said not to let her lick that leg as the fur would grow back darker than the rest. It seems crazy but that leg is darker where she licked. With this in mind, I noticed that the end of Riley's nose is darker where she licks and kind of wondered if it was the same thing. Might just be a wives tale...

The orange-reddish stain is from saliva and in my experience, unavoidable.  And like Karen said, it isn't just light-colored dogs.  You just notice it more. It is the same with a dog who licks their paws....the staining is a tell-tale sign he/she has been licking.

Here's an interesting article on tear staining, the cause of which is the same for beard staining.

My Oscar has always had a lot of tear and beard staining. He had clogged tear ducts as a puppy which caused red streaks down his face. His tear ducts matured eventually and the excessive tearing stopped. He still has a lot of beard staining, though. One thing that worked, temporarily, was a combo of antibiotics for an unrelated condition. After several weeks the staining came back. Today we just wash his face twice a day after meals, try to keep his beard dry and make sure its kept cut short. 

Not all light-colored doodles have a problem with staining. Lucy is a good example. She just has a couple small spots near her lower lip (where she drools while sleeping).

Max gets stains around his mouth, usually it's dirt :D

Lol. :-)
We were just wondering about this the other day - Kevin had staining around his mouth and under his eyes for a few months, 4-9 months old, and now it's gone. Buddy's never had staining so we never gave it any thought until Kevin's disappeared. Any ideas why or how that happened?

Here's a couple pictures of Kev, one with the staining and one on his first birthday showing the difference.

Jen, I only see his birthday pic (which is too cute for words by the way). I really think he knew it was his day, look how happy he looks!!  Anywho, please send the other pic that shows the staining. I'd like to see it. thanks!!



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