Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

A couple weeks ago, a publisher contacted me about a copy of a darling children's book about a labradoodle named Mogie who "works" for a Ronald McDonald House, helping kids get their "mojo" back.  The book is intended for children 4-8 years old and since I have one of those in my house, I thought it would be perfect.  My copy arrived yesterday.

And for this important photo opp, Rosco even got some couch time ;)

It really is a sweet story and illustrates, Mogie, a natural therapy dog, doing what he does best with several children who needed uplifting.  Although Mogie's breed is not mentioned in the book, it is based on a real Mogie who happens to be an Australian labradoodle and really works for a Ronald McDonald House. 

A link to the book's trailer:

Now for all of you with children or grandchildren...we will be giving away ONE copy to a lucky DK Member!  All you have to do is respond below with your favorite kid-doodle story.  Have you witnessed a touching moment between your doodle and a child?  Funny stories, heart-warming stories, silly stories...all are welcome!  Your response with a story will be considered your entry.  Only one response per person will count.  Only US addresses qualify.

I'll give this contest till Sunday at midnight, Pacific Time.


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Here's our short story in a video when Skadi was more unruly than she is today HA!

I have a wonderful grandson who loves my Doodle and Poodle.  He would really enjoy this book.

My kids have always sat on our doodles and said gitty-up! They think they are horses. Lol love my doodles!
My goldendoodle has been a therapy dog for over 5 years now. We live in Gainesville, Florida visit patients at The Health Center Hopsital at The University of Florida. We have made friends with many little children who are heart transplants patients! They are remarkable kids!
My grandson will be 3, my Goldendoodle just turned 4. They are best friends-my GD, Reese, is a saint! My grandson, Ace, was slow to speech, but one day he broke something of mine, & I said "uh, oh, what happened?". Clear as a bell he said "Reese did it."

I have three girls, and I am sure they would love the doodle book :) 

Our dog Luna's favorite person in the world is my 9yr old daughter. I always know when she is up in the morning because I hear Luna's tail thump thump thumping! Neither of them can start their day without a cuddle :)

what a cute picture!!

Love your images, Adina!

Our favorite Doodle story is the one when we picked out our sweet Daisy.  It was a long drive to the lovely home of our Doodle's first family.  We were all a little tired from the drive and the puppies were also tired and asleep in a giant Doodle pile.  As we walked in one Doodle in the center of the pile woke up, stuck her head up from the layers of others and claimed us.  Walking in I was afraid that with four people we would not be able to agree on which puppy was ours and somebody's feelings would be crushed about having to leave their puppy.  But in unison we all said "I WANT THAT ONE!"   We held her for a little while as she was still very sleepy but I still look back on that day and it's as clear as ever our Daisy chose us! 

I would like to enter the contesy

I would like to enter the labradoodle book give-away. Can't figure out how to enter



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