Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

An amazing story I saw on my local news today.

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Aww...what a lovely story. Many thanks for sharing...Our doodles are totally a breed unto themselves...Love them all....but God forbid that should ever happen to my girl....
Amazing story. It really makes you wonder because it can't be a coincidence that he ended up there.
It wouldn't happen to your dog, Frances, because you don't leave your dog alone overnight while you go off camping.
I know it doesn't say that's what they did in so many words, but that's what I get from this article. I hope the fact that he "got loose" doesn't mean they had the poor dog tied up on top of everything else. It sounds to me like he was left alone outside, though.
I kind of wish the dog had found himself a better home after all that. He's clearly much smarter than his owners.
That bothered me when I read it too, but it isn't surprising. Many people keep their dogs solely as outside dogs, and pay some neighbor kid to come over and feed them once a day when they leave. .. At least where I live. It's a sad reality.

BUT, I still think it is an amazing story, about an amazing dog.
It is, Camilla! Thanks for sharing it!
Maybe a neighbor was hired to let him out? Dogs have a way of outsmarting someone who comes to the home to feed/water/break.
Just another idea.
You're just doing that thing I used to do called "giving someone the benefit of the doubt." I stopped that about 10 years ago, I was always right the first time. :)
:) I can't remember what philosopher said, " All people are born good--then learn bad behaviors?" KANT? Anyway, that is me. I have to think good or I would go crazy. But, yes, it has proven me wrong. Even good ways of thinking can be good to a fault LOL
FYI-- looked up the philosopher the other day. The one I was thinking of was John Locke for what it's worth,
Always? Sometimes people get into bad situations by bad luck or doing something without realizing all the consequences. Sometimes people are just bad--read Andy's new discussion,
Read it before Andy did, lol.
For some strange reason, every time a story about a dog makes me suspicious, my suspicions are proven true. This is not something I'm happy about.
Awwww what an awesome story so glad the dood is with his family !!!



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