Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello everyone!

I am brand new to this site so I am still learning my way through it but I was hoping someone could help me.  On January 18th, my fiancé and I got an australian labradoodle puppy - based on his pedigree, both parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc. were Australian labradoodles.  In all the research I've done, I've read that Australian labradoodles should be non-shedding, but that it could take 3 generations of labradoodles to get there.  It seems like my puppy, Opie, has this history, but I'm finding that he is definitely shedding - a pretty good amount too!  He just turned 13 weeks.  Below is a picture of him when we first got him at 8 weeks.


He for sure looks way more like a lab than a doodle - is that a coincidence or could he have possibly inherited a recessive gene and he will, in fact, be a shedding dog? 


Any help would be great!




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And the second picture is him yesterday at 13 weeks!

Unfortunately, the "non-shedding" advertisement is a bit of a myth, as I assume you have already discovered. There are lots of doodles on here that shed anywhere from a little to a whole lot! My understanding is that if he is shedding now, he will most likely shed through adulthood, but I might be wrong.

BTW- Welcome! Opie is a cutie! You may want to check out the group "where's the poodle in my doodle" - they may be able to help you out!

Yes, he is what is called "open faced" and is more than likely going to be a shedder. 

Unfortunately, it is not true that ALDs past the third generation are all non-shedders. You have heavily shedding breeds on both sides of the pedigree, and "throwbacks" do happen. It's basically a genetic crap shoot.  I've seen 7th generation ALDs that look a lot like your boy, in fact we have some here. 

In addition to Where's the Poodle in My Doodle, we have a group called Shedding doodles which might interest you. 

Welcome, and congratulations on your pup. 

And check out this member's page; she has two ALDs and her 9th generation girl Sydney is the one with the open face who sheds:

Opie is adorable! He definitely doesn't look much like an Australian Labradoodle- it's rare for a true ALD to look so much like a lab, but certainly can happen. At least his shedding coat will be much easier to maintain!!!

There is a silver lining as you will not have to deal with the dreaded mats!  Many new owners have to have their doodle shaved down to a very short length when the puppy coat and adult coat collide and sometimes (like us) evenafter if they don't keep up (religiously) on the grooming schedule.  

He is sooooo cute!  

your adorable little doodle looks like he has those shedding genes.  I think multigenerational labradoodles are less likely to shed, but those genes do still get passed down and can show up.  If your breeder was experienced, she should have been able to look at him and tell you that he most likely was going to be more retrieverish - and more likely to shed.

Your doodle is adorable and he may "doodle"out a little. I hope your breeder discounted some money as they should for a flatter coated doodle. I do see some longer ares on his face.

A very sweet pup! Yes, I am afraid there are Australian labradoodle breeders who say that their dogs are the only genuine, non-shedding and hypoallergenic doodles out there--don't believe it for a minute. There are "throwbacks" to the poodle or lab in many litters. And any doodle can be a shedder. 

oh and I agree with F's comment--you should have had a discount--the breeder can EASILY tell that this is not going to be a curly, non-shedding doodle.

What a sweet pup. Thanks for sharing the cute pics. I love his color! There is good and bad to both shedding and non shedding. Non shedding takes a lot (ALOT) of grooming maintenance. I have three non shredders. I am grooming constantly. I think regardless if they shed or not you will be dealing with hair/fur one way or another. But a doodle is a doodle and we love them all! :)



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