Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Oh brother--stuff like this makes me angry--how many AKC breeds out there were once "crossbreeds"? Hundreds? How do people think new breeds came along--magic?? In an article about the Westminster dog show, now taking place, they mentioned how many new breeds were being added and ended with this totally bogus paragraph:

"In a few years, there could be up to 240 breeds at Westminster. But there won't be a puggle, labradoodle or Maltipoo among them. A "designer dog" is more than OK for the White House — President Barack Obama and his family considered a labradoodle before getting a Portuguese water dog — but they're absent at the Garden.

To get to Westminster, a breed must meet American Kennel Club criteria — there has to be an ample population with a three-generation pedigree, a geographic spread of those dogs and a parent club to establish breed standards.

"All dogs are lovable," said the AKC's Lisa Peterson. "But a crossbreed is not a breed.""

Geesh!! What are they talking about? There are so many AKC breeds that started out as a mix of established breeds, aren't there?? And Labradoodles certainly have " three generations of pedigrees, a geographic spread and parent clubs with standards!!" WTD!!? 

Actually, I will be very happy if Labradoodles are NEVER recognized by the AKC. I had a Lakeland terrier once and we got involved in dog shows with him (he finished his championship). I saw the dark side of dog shows--Some handlers do some pretty despicable things to dogs to increase their chances of winning....not for me.


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I think that they definitely have that in mind--many of the ALD breeder websites talk about a GENUINE labradoodle or AUTHENTIC labradoodle--as if the others are not labradoodles. My breeder just had someone buy a pup from a different breeder because they thought that Australian LDs were more genuine....couldn't convince them that it means absolutely nothing if they are an ALD in terms of temperament, quality, etc. 

I don't give a doodle's butt either, Jane! Haha

But the idea that the AKC may someday accept a doodle presupposes that the AKC goes around like a recruiter or talent scout looking for that next 'breed'.  They do not, as I understand it.  Breed CLUBS work to make a dog a breed and then APPLY for recognition if that is what they want.  AKC isn't necessarily hoping for more breeds.  I don't think they care one way or the other.

Even though I like to watch the Wesminster Dog show I could care less about ranking and best of show etc. etc.  As long as I have a smart, well behaved dog, loving dog with personality I could care less if they have a pedigree or not.  Papers, ranking, etc do not make a dog.... personality and a good trained dog gets my ranking :) 

Oh well-they don't know what they are missing!!!!

Yes, Jacquie is right--they are now called Cobbadogs---oh, brother--maybe that is why she changed the name--she thought she would have a better chance with the AKC now that Labradoodle has become synonymous with designer dog.

I think "she" changed the name for several reasons...One being the lack of "Lab" in the Australian Labradoodle"

Did you see that Westminster dropped Pedigree as a sponsor because they didn't like their "Adopt a Shelter Dog" campaign? 


Honestly how many of us Doodle people would even WANT to be involved in showing in a group that is so narrow minded?  Personally, I have been to many dog shows with a friend that showed shelties and it was nothing I would ever want to be part of. 

Here is one of the articles I found about it online - I think I originally read it through the Modern Dog website....

I don't necessarily care if the AKC recognizes them or not but I would like them to earn the status of a breed and earn more respect. That term"designer dog" seems to have judgmental tones to it. Border collies and Leonburgers and many other "breeds" were actually breeds even though they were not recognised by the AKC for a long time. Everyone seems to love these dogs and I think if breeders maintain responsible practices that we will reach that status in the near future.



The AKC purports to have the best interest of dogs at heart!  Bull!   Look what American breeders have done to the poor purebred dogs.


Here are just a few examples - there are many others:


1.  They have reduced the size of the Maltese from original 8-12 pounds down to the present 4-7 pound standard and by doing so have introduced many inherrent abnormalities into the breed.  And, although the present breed standard is 4-7 pounds, there is no chance to win at a dog show with a Maltese over 5-pounds.  At one time we bred and showed Maltese.  We had a beautiful 4.5 pound champion who produced puppies which were drop dead beautiful.  The problem was that he would produce a puppy with a liver shunt in each litter (the Maltese usually only produces 1-3 puppies per litter)  and that puppy would have to be put down.  When we neutered our champion, we received a lot of flack from AKC members in the Maltese community who complained, "How could you nueter a dog who produces such beautiful and show quality puppies?"  The loss of the puppies due to liver problems was just considered, by them, to be the "cost of doing business". I will admit, however, that the American Maltese Association, an AKC breed club, provides wonderful and needed financial support to our Maltese rescue efforts ( )


2.  They have bred the beautiful German Shepherd Dog into what looks like an orthopedic nightmare with spindly hindquarters and  low back legs.  This is responsible for the terrible hip displasia problems in that breed...


There are so many other examples of breeder vanity ruining a breed.  But how about this CRUELTY FOR VANITY SAKE?


The Kennel Club of the United Kingdom which is called just "The Kennel Club" has outlawed the docking of dogs tails and ears.  The AKC still supports his cruel and inhumane practice.


Many toy breeds have terrible knee joints.  The smaller they breed the dog, the worst this problem becomes.  There is a vet in the L.A. area (and probably vets all over the country) that does laproscopic surgery on the knee joints so it will not be noticed by the dog show judges.  However those dogs are still passing down the genes for the bad joints.


Many show dogs have had their vocal cords cut to eliminate/reduce barking...


And they try to say that the AKC is organized for the betterment the breeds?  BULL!



Amen, Richard.



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