Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I know I should probably be happy that I'm going away on a 2-week New Orleans vacation.....but now I know why I'm not!!! I'M GOING TO MISS MY DOODLE!!!!! I feel like I'm going to miss a life's worth of photos, videos, updates, and hilarious stories (I'm looking at you, Fudge and Vern!).

I'm going to be in serious withdrawal. I've considered clipping a piece of Lola's hair to bring with me....but that would be weird....or would it??? I also don't want to mess with the great coat of hair she's got going on right now.

What's the longest you've ever been away from your doodle?? And besides drinking your sadness did you cope???

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4 days and 3 nights is my record!!  2 weeks would be unimaginable!!    Try to have fun so the time flies!!
Pam - Thanks, I'll keep your sister in mind...keep an eye out for a desperate message from me in your inbox!!!!



AWE!  I know EXACTLY how you feel!  We went away for 10 days to Hawaii in August.  That was the longest we have EVER been away from Tori and my DK friends... I seriously had withdrawals.  We brought our lap top along... my family thinks it was so we could watch movies on the long plane ride and to down load our photos, but MY reason was to check in to DK which I DID manage to do a few times.  Then when we came home, I had to go back to work (I'm a teacher), so I really felt awful leaving Tori all day since she really had not much time to catch up on all her cuddle and spoiling time that she mised while we were away.  The down time got my mind.... keep busy and try to enjoy the time without pooper scooping.  The time will go by quickly.  Enjoy!

I've never been away from our guys for more than the time I am at work or errands on the weekend.  They are so much a part of our lives that we try to take them with us whenever we can.  Enjoy your trip, Lola will be ready with lots of hugs and kisses when you return!

I am afraid there is no treatment for d.w.s (doodle withdrawl syndrom). Bring a photo of Lola with you. You could also Skype with Lola.

Shelly - 10 days is definitely a long time...that was my max until this trip coming up. Hawaii sounds nice though!!!

Kim - I don't blame you for not leaving. I'm leaving tonight and I can't keep my hands off her!!!

Bryce - I'm definitely going to have a major case of D.W.S!!! Skyping is a great idea!!!



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