Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi everyone,

We already have a 7 month old goldendoole whom  we LOVE TO DEATH. My husband, my 2 kids and I are completely crazy about him. He is 25 inch high and about 55 pounds. We enjoy big dogs. We want another big  goldendoodle. I have been searching all over the Internet but could not find a breeder that has a large GD.

Any advice/recommendation is greatly appreciated.

Have a great day,


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will send you a pm to let you know of my breeder in Orlando, fl

she is on DK as an recommended/acceptable breeder

can not do on the displayed message, rules

you need to accept my friend request first for me to do that

i believe she does standards & the next biggest to them also

Thank you :-)

Where are you located?

Alpharetta, (by Atlanta) in Georgia.

Nalan, I get it! I am on Doodle #3 because we love them to death! I am looking for another one too - preferably up in the Dakota area. My father-in-law fell in love with our puppy. He would like a large, golden colored, male. 

Hi Anita,

If I could, I would, probably, have 5-6 GD:-))), we treat Aslan just like one of our kids.  He is like a sun in our life, his love for all of us, his cuteness, kindness... I can go on and on....

Sorry; my breeder breeds minis.  But, I just wanted to say that your goldendoodle is just adorable!  Good luck!

Thank you, we think so too. :-)))

Have you checked the Owner Recommended Breeders Group here on DK? 

Is the breeder you got your current doodle from not breeding any more? 

Yes she does, but not too big. Hers are all standards.

Standards is what you want, though, right?  There isn't any other official size...often the huge ones are a fluke of nature. If you find someone breeding a relatively large standard poodle with a good size golden retriever, you're probably going to have a litter of mostly large dogs. 

I am pretty new to the dog world and its terminology. I meant standard but will end up to be rather large/big whatever term is acceptable. 

Thank you,



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