Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

OMG my Doodle puppy has been so hard to handle the last few days (he's always been a challenge, but I thought I saw a light). I knew he was getting better because I wasn't constantly talking about what I was going to do almost in tears!!! I'm back to that point again. Is is normal for his behavior to go up and down? He's biting like crazy again, and testing me constantly. He's into everything. I have everything blocked off. He was biting me out in the yard again where I couldn't get control of the situation, and so I fled running yelling "NO BITE", and left him out there to stew, but I don't think that had any affect!!! He's been having separation issues as well even when we are only a few short feet away where he can see us in the living room. We ignore him as much as possible but it is so ear piercing!!! When he's quiet I give him a treat and tell him good quiet. I'm doing everything in my power (I think). I work with his training and he obeys so well for food. He's even learned drop it because every time he gets something he shouldn't I ask him to trade it for a treat and tell him to drop it. This has been a challenge and I find myself losing all resolve, and questioning myself why I got another dog, and I hate feeling that way!!!! Oh and he never stops scrapping with my older dog when I try and let him free (on a lead). I can hold on to him too well anymore as he is so much stronger than I. Thanks for letting me rant!!!

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Oh man. Check out some of my old discussions. Toby was a beast as a younger pup. Adina had to "talk me off the ledge" more than once. I considered rehoming him numerous times - probably I could never have done it, but the thought was appealing. However - Toby is now 15 months old, and mostly is just a lovely dog. Hang in there, use your crate as much as you need to, and also use an indoor lead. If Toby gets wild, I put him on the indoor lead, and it is almost an immediate calm down. Kind of like "Rats, she's got me." He lays right down at my feet. :)
@ Sandy - Yes beast is a good word, and yes I have thought of re-homing him with the self knowleadge that I couldn't do it. Thanks for the support!!! Last night I was on the edge as you say!!! Today I'm a little more sane!! I'll keep everyone posted!!!
Well tonight I am discouraged. I let Lincoln (on a leash) out of the kitchen, and he and Scottie (my 6 yr old shepard mix) started at it again, and Scottie wasn't into it at all. Lincoln was all over him on top of him (like mounting, but not quite) biting at his neck, and Scottie was just trying to mouth at him while he was on top. He was literally on top of Scottie, and I was hoping that Scott would start standing his ground, but he just wouldn't. Finally he bit him hard enough that Scottie yelped pretty loud so I had to put him back in the kitchen. It seems when he is upstairs near his bed he puts up much more of a fight, and has Lincoln down more. I don't understand the dynamic that's going on between them. If I did then I'd know what to do or what to think. I don't want to have to keep Lincoln in the kitchen forever, but at this point I'm playing musical dogs as I can't put them out back together as Lincoln is too much for Scottie. I don't want to have to rehome Lincoln as I want things to work out, but I have to admit I'm worried. I have been training Lincoln and using the tips people are telling me. I walk the dogs every night, and bring treats and they get along fine while walking together. If someone could help me understand the dynamic of what is going on here it would be helpful. I need a dog whisperer I guess. I will bring him to doggie day care tomorrow to burn off some steam.
For some reason I'm still not worried about Scottie. My dogs make each other yelp in play at times too. Can you video tape them and upload the video here so we can SEE? If it really bothered you did you try to correct Lincoln in any way? I get annoyed when my dogs wrestle I just repeatedly stop them even if I have to stop them several times. Then I make the instigator do a down stay. If the instigator is on a leash, and he gets up from the down stay, you just correct him back into position and then give him a few moments of success in the stay and then crate him. Or crate him as a consequence to the behavior right away.

I think you might benefit from an obedience class-just in case there are some things in your training you could fine tune to get better results.
Thanks!!! I don't like it much either. My dogs are huge and when they wrestle it's really crazy!!! I don't mind outside at all. Scottie runs away from him though. I thought about video taping them too. I will try that and then upload it. Later on I let him out again and he went upstairs and this time I had a good hold of his leash and made them both down stay. Lincoln is getting better at his down stays, but he is sooooo exciteable to say the least. When he started up again I put him back in the kitchen so I guess this could be a consequence? Rome wasn't built in a day!!! lol
Rome wasn't built in a day!!!

precisely :-)
I can't begin to tell everyone how much I appreciate the help!!! Who would have thought a second dog would be this much stress!!! I certainly didn't see it coming. I think my hubby did though as he was trying to talk me out of it for weeks!!! We love him though!!!
I ran out of bully sticks!!! lol I buy them online for a pretty good price. I still can't believe how fast he can chew through those too. I have raw hide chips as well, and that seems to last pretty long as they are awkward in size, and harder to hold on to. I actually whistled myself tonight and it got their attention for about a second, but maybe a louder whistle would be better. Don't think my husband or my cats will be happy with that!!! My oldest cat hates Lincoln right now. She sits there and chirps at him like she's giving him what for!!! lol
Is it okay to run with a Goldendoodle? My husband is a marathon runner, and he will run with him once he turns one. I thought this should help alot with his interaction with my older dog as well as he will be tuckered out.
I heard you should wait until they are 18 months for their joints to fully develop.
18 months is the 'approved' age for any distance running....and by 'distance' I think anything sustained for more than a block or so...joints are still forming till then.
Diane, Boy do I hear and know your woes. Sounds like you have a real rascal on your hands. I just read thru most of the posts and there is great advice there. Not only was our puppy a vampire, he was also VERY HIGH ENERGY. I used to go out sometimes just to get away from him for awhile and leave him in my husbands care. Sure enuf, when I got home my husband would be bleeding on several parts of his body. However, we loved him so much and could not wait to see him when he woke up in the morning. He soon grew out of all of this mischief and is now a one yr old sweet natured, fun loving, big rascal. Some advice I can give is GET HIM OUT OF THE HOUSE-not just for walks either. Even a car ride seemed to tire our puppy out. Dog Parks, visiting friends, whatever is going on, just take him with you. We did and when we got home- he would be quite placid. Also- I would just let the dogs wrestle to their hearts content. They'll work it out. Good luck



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